Becker is 20 Yo, MR/AMR/AMC.
Schneider is 21 yo, ST.
Lenders is 21 yo, 1on1 ST.
And yeah i noticed a lil decrease overall on training, but strangely just on the mini match one. They still gain 20-30/35-50 in the first two types, while they went from 90-100+ to 45-85 on the highest training.
I'm keeping sps in cause last season the moment i assigned them up to 5,9* to each one their training rates deceased drastically, way more than they are doing now.
Also, i plan to take the Q50 guy by surprise at least in the first leg. Quwaitian guy full of moneyz are harsh to deal with

altho i fear i wont be able thanks to nordeus ****ty devs. If i depart from Germany and watch match on phone, any possible offer to my players would block the sps assignment, ao at least i ll have to take them to 6* to avoid that.
As per greens, i cant recall how many each i used, but until now to PT Yuma, the new dmc, th new MC to 7* and Diamond, Price to 6* plus those 3 i m still training and the two 18 yo ones (45 and 20ish gained atm) i buned overall about 550+ greens, plus the 100ish i raised from germany's videos on ios and fb, so i d say between 600 and 700, of which i got 165 left.