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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Official] The King of Kings Challenge - FULL TIME!

  1. #51
    Addicted NekoIzMase's Avatar
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    Apr 2018
    Game is unplayable since daily score board was update, keep getting connection error in Chrome and Mozzila.

  2. #52
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    @Ποσιδονας and @Nebu or @NUNO anf others
    well, it's the difference between new and old TE managers.
    The old managers had far better days so it's logic to complain.
    The new managers didn't live the generous days of nordeus
    King of the hill - before one year
    Daily rewards
    Attachment 129704

    Final rewards (plus the emblem)
    Attachment 129705
    You have a picture of the player you got as reward? I am curious to know what sort of player they gave.

  3. #53
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    If the registration was in auto I would agree with you but joining the event show at least some minimum activity.
    I can agree that a table with 10 teams of 40% q looks silly (and rather tricky ) as an active team can build a a squad of 80% quality to play seriously the game.
    So I would say a q difference of 5% looks fair (ok max 10%) to make the contest interest.
    Actually to be like associations. Close qualities.

    I 'm playing the contest with four teams. I 'm waiting the end of day to show you the tables where 60-70% of the teams didn't play a single game.
    Is this fun ?
    You want all the other 9 teams to be active and around the same quality as you, and on top, fighting each other at every opportunity, with some even go buying new players or even make mutants just to kick each other? Are the current rewards even worth for this type of challenge? Many active teams with decent management will get knocked out of the first phase itself as there are limited places for promotion to the next phase; 6 active teams will get nothing, and this will be more unfair. Better let the decent managers kick out the more poorly managed teams and reward them with something.

    In my group, I did not challenge the other 3 teams just below me in the rankings to give them a chance, and they did not challenge my team either, but they were playing by challenging those weaker, semi-managed teams, and they got some cups. But, if 10 such active teams were put in the same group, 6 active teams will get nothing for their effort. I hope you get my point. Futhermore, we already have associations matches for the type of challenge (or fun) you are looking for. Personally, I would not like to have the same thing as associations in King Of Kings format.
    Last edited by Tactician; 09-25-2019 at 09:27 PM.

  4. #54
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    You have a picture of the player you got as reward? I am curious to know what sort of player they gave.
    I don't remember with how many teams I played that contest but I won it with 5. The last one is from NIK.
    I kept them for two seasons

    [Official] The King of Kings Challenge - FULL TIME!-8-star-players.jpg

    * lately they can give older players, 25-26 y.o.
    Tactician likes this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  5. #55
    Greek Forum Moderator nikolgiorgos's Avatar
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    Day one of the event and I played with 4 teams
    I had a variety of opponents. From same quality, higher (Elen's 1st in table was a tanker with a +40% quality) and lower, sometimes -40%.
    [Official] The King of Kings Challenge - FULL TIME!-d1-nik-fin.jpg
    [Official] The King of Kings Challenge - FULL TIME!-d1-panik-fin.jpg
    [Official] The King of Kings Challenge - FULL TIME!-d1-rino-fin.jpg
    [Official] The King of Kings Challenge - FULL TIME!-d1-elen-fin.jpg

    I think the daily effort of playing 9 games per day
    - try log in exactly every 2 hours to play for free
    - the poor rewards (doesn't matter if it has more phases, I mean the daily effort)
    and the big gap in qualities of the teams
    didn't leave enough motivation for participants.
    Nothing new. I said that also in previous King of ... events .
    Now if they are satisfied with those pics it's ok with me.
    I 'm only one manager who likes playing TE.
    MNK Kaskada likes this.
    Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ

  6. #56
    Join Date
    Sep 2019
    Any managers Intrested in joining a gold division 2 assioction.? PM if intrested we have a spot open Tartan Army alliance name.

  7. #57
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Did someone noticed any change in the level of difficulty between step 1 and step 2 (or day 1 and day 2) of the first phase? I have played 3 matches for far, and I feel what the level was upped, that is, it is more difficult.
    Last edited by Tactician; 09-25-2019 at 11:16 PM.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Did someone noticed any change in the level of difficulty between step 1 and step 2 (or day 1 and day 2) of the first phase? I have played 3 matches for far, and I feel what the level was upped, that is it is more difficult.
    No changes so far

  9. #59
    Came 1st in day 1 and we are currently fist and we are favourites to get through to the silver round.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  10. #60
    Quote Originally Posted by nikolgiorgos View Post
    @Ποσιδονας and @Nebu or @NUNO anf others
    well, it's the difference between new and old TE managers.
    The old managers had far better days so it's logic to complain.
    The new managers didn't live the generous days of nordeus
    King of the hill - before one year
    Daily rewards
    Attachment 129704

    Final rewards (plus the emblem)
    Attachment 129705
    I have only been on the game 2 years. What were the “generous days of Nordeus like?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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