I so agree. The offers are going in the wrong direction. Nordeus’ marketing group must believe in “reverse psychology”.
I so agree. The offers are going in the wrong direction. Nordeus’ marketing group must believe in “reverse psychology”.
Also, why is your offer $20 more expensive than mine for the same goods? (I will try to attach a screenshot but the uploading seems to not work from my ipad)
Last edited by julien12; 10-06-2019 at 08:47 AM.
I can't imagine any manager who would spend 300 tokens for a defender with a single position, those special abilities and probably +22 y.o.
but I have no doubt that none of the nordeus team is playing seriously their game.
At least they could ask - For what kind of players would you give those tokens ?
The prices are higher in your picture. It looks like they increased the price from the earlier phases. On my side, it started at 99T, 199T and 249T in phase 1.
We could keep giving suggestions or asking about things to be changed, but some things have been here for years and nothing much changed (if not gone worst).
Last edited by Tactician; 10-08-2019 at 03:12 PM.
That's why I don't agree with expressions like this I 've read in some other thread
If it was a DL-DC-DR 18 y.o. with sa Header or Defensive wall, I 'm sure they would sell like crazy even with those tokens.Trust me this is about one thing. Sucking your money out the pocket.
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
Below is the offer I got in the first phase. So, they removed the chance of having a desirable special ability completely (absolutely no chance unless a bug happens), but they tripled the price for the defender. They cannot be so stupid; they probably doing all this deliberately or the people responsible for those areas are poorly qualified and under poor managment. They target vunerable active users who have limited knowledge about the game but who will splash a lot of money for their entertainment or satisfaction, thinking that they are getting good deals but in fact have been asked to pay more than the current value. As a big token buyer, I have taken the decision to stop buying a lot in this game (and maybe later, stop with the monthly card too). I do not feel good about the game lately (I have a bad gut feeling).
Last edited by Tactician; 10-08-2019 at 04:27 PM.
Ah, and I agree with Nik about bad marketing because most of their offers (tokens, packs, players....) provide things that the users will not want, and on top, they ask way higher than the actual value but they try to make you think you are getting a good deal. This is called dirty business. Those few users that will buy will be way overpaying for something that they will probably not want had they knew more about the game. A lot of users buying at a lower price is way more revenue than a very small amount of users buying at a much higher price. A good business company would have probably scolded their staff who are behind such offers because they are so bad.
Last edited by Tactician; 10-08-2019 at 04:28 PM.
The pic of Posidonas is about a defender 7-9 stars, not 6-7 like yours.
Check again.
Καλώς ήρθατε στο Ελληνικό φόρουμ
Ah, yes, thanks for showing me as I missed that, but what if you buy and get a 7-star or lower 8-star player? You cannot even be sure with them given all their tricks. Briefly, someone will be paying 299T for a defender that has a less useful special ability for his position and with a chance (only Nordeus knows how much) that the player will be 9 stars, but a player that will surely degrade with time and cannot be sustained even with additonal training. Even with selling players in their so called offers, they include randomness beyond to what is acceptable. What do Nordeus suggest? Should users buy such players and tank for months? The way things have gonre it seems that tanking is the best way to play this game. Events, offers, rewards.... most support tanking; getting promoted is like a big loss.
Last edited by Tactician; 10-08-2019 at 05:24 PM.