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Thread: Association with Mutant players' problems

  1. #1
    Rookie rememberthegirl2009's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2018

    Association with Mutant players' problems

    Top eleven game is really not said to be logic.
    There are so many weak points in this game.
    I've been reported the weak points in many times.
    For example, only mutant creators are influencing the association matches. Those creators are very very naughty gamers. Honest managers are always lost to dishonest ones.
    What's the main point of this game?
    Cheating or for happiness?
    Nordeus should take responsibilies about those stupid naughty mutant creators.
    We don't need to play new challenges, we only need this game entirely free from mutant players.
    New plyayers' morale system is very very useless for us cos it suck so many morale booster packs from me. Also, it's better to terminate top 100 FA list cos there are so many mutant clubs I see.
    Nordeus only reply automatic messages to us.
    This is not routine for Nordeus.
    This is lacking of taking responsibility of Nordeus.
    We don't want automatic robot replied messages.
    We need true and logic messages directly written by main Agent.
    Nordeus is trying to kill this game.
    I'm so dissapointed to this game and Top eleven will never be improved in the future becos of lack of taking responsibilities.

    Sent from my SM-J710F using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    I faced mutant teams 6 times this season in the associations tournament. In 3 of them, it was almost same sort of thing, free-kick goal, free-kick goal repetition (as high as a hat-trick from free kicks for the mutant) as if the engine went crazy and completely sided with team that had mutants and gave them goals out of nowhere from free-kicks. I was like helpless. The scores get crazy (big and unexpected). This is one thing. Second is that we had unfair draws twice, with one clearly unfair with big quality differences upto near 40%.

    I recently came back to the game and I have no mutants. I cannot even create mutants by training to fight them given those limitations Nordeus put to white skills that progress in relation to the % quality of the specific attribute ifself. So, how am I supposed to counter them? Some of those teams with mutants just tank and will be here with those mutants for many more seasons.

    Associations, together with the bad practices of some users, for sure have rotten this game with time.
    Last edited by Tactician; 10-13-2019 at 01:20 AM.

  3. #3
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    They should fix their sh***y game engine that goes crazy when faced to certain situations instead of putting restrictions here and there (white skills progress, negociations, limited scores....) that only made the game worst for normal users. After so many years, the right orders to be used still do not make sense, and sometimes they more like random rather than logical with respect to the situation faced, and also certain flaws and bugs in the live match are still there, some of which that punish the user hard by making his team conceeds goals almost instantly.
    Last edited by dave1311; 10-13-2019 at 09:21 AM.
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