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Thread: Forum Challenge Season 124 - Assists Challenge

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  1. #1
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Forum Challenge Season 124 - Assists Challenge

    After 3 seasons having the Goalkeepers as main protagonists of our challanges, let's go now with a new competition for this season, let's go fo a Assists Challenge.

    Every manager will have the chance to select 2 players, to represent it's club for this particular challenge.

    We will give till the Season 11th Day - Wednesday 23th October- to register in this thread the 2 players you want to use compete and try to win the Top 3 rewards.

    You can add now your 2 candidates to represent your club and if you see one of them don't performing as you expect, you will have till the end of October 23th to post here any change if you wish.

    You can add a players capture + association Tag number to track the players.

    If for some reason you can't add captures please, write the asso #Tag + Club name and players names + positions so everyone can check out how these are performing.


    At the end of the season, we will count how many assists -In the 3 main copmetitions, League, Cup CL/SL **please remember that if you're 3rd placed in CL group Stage we need a capture of the assists gathered before you're placed on SL^^*** - achieved the 2 players of each single manager who is participating in this challenge and the Top 3 managers will be rewarded.

    (later I update the rewards and so)


    Reward for top 3 will be 50Tokens, 40T and 30T.


    DRAZEN VTC-----#E0AGQ7---------Pawel Krügger----Jurica Boban
    LOS ABRANTES ----#GHPCBK-------Sabrosa Simao-------- Mertens #30
    CHAI--------#V28F1A------Zoltan Czibor------Dino Zoff
    SUPERDUNK-----#A4N72A--------Raún Ginard-------Arturo Suazo
    A.GAVRILIN-------#A203M8--------------Gino Arias------Niall Maxwell
    ILLMAESTROLL ----#ghpcbk------George Weah------George Best #27
    MOTRIN-------------#OOXWGT----Ben Alabanja viii-------Beau Bloes
    STEVAN99----------#UAAVPI------Lionel Messi-----Kylian Mbappe
    MICKEYBFC-------#KBAL2H------Adilio Zijler--------Rachid Ammadah
    DIKESH PRAJAPATI---#UUIZ09-----Dikesh Prajapati------Ricardo Varela
    CHOCOLOVE-----------#0FCS1T----changed for**-Julien Mary--------The Worst Striker
    NEBU-------#82VAPO-------------István Seruja---------Stefan Thor
    GOGS 67-----???----------------H Kaboul and AMC A Honerbach.
    TACTCIAN FRIEND ?--#4XTRVN-----huruk hasturk ---------Robby Mancini
    TACTICIAN------- #4XTRVN-----------Wilfred Eromoigbe----Simon Christophori
    GRANDEF--------#0MUOXY -----------Laurentiu Tofan -------Martin Spasojevic
    Last edited by khris; 11-06-2019 at 11:59 PM.
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