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Thread: Is it wise to use GK as corner kicker?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Is it wise to use GK as corner kicker?

    Pro -- you have your full slate of ten outfield players standing by to head the ball in.

    Con -- Goalie usually don't make good corner kicker.

  2. #2
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    In the past, there have been cases where goalkeepers were doing well at corner kicks and free-kicks. Gert Funck had a GK taking set pieces. When I came back to the game, I noticed that the GK that was in my team had assists.

    The 'Con' you stated above is going by football logic, but this game does not follow the logic in football. Many things do not make sense.
    milpol likes this.

  3. #3
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Yes but he need very good kicking and creativity, my Gk made like 100 of assists (25 ass. / season) in 4 seasons but unfortunately is not registered

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  4. #4
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    Pro -- you have your full slate of ten outfield players standing by to head the ball in.

    Con -- Goalie usually don't make good corner kicker.
    Pro - the live animation is cosmetic. The game engine doesn't count how many players are in the box
    Con - That's depends from the general quality of a player. I 'm staying season so I use a GK for penalties, f-k, c-k but I put a 2* player.
    A 5* GK can be successful or not, as any other 5* player.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    It's the biggest nosense to use gaolkeeper as corner kicker or smth else. But as you all know this game is deeply fantastic so i use goalie as corner kicker in top eleven and he is the best corner kicker i have ever had.

  6. #6
    Spanish Forum Moderator khris's Avatar
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    FK man and CK man are positions that the game uses to make you test and manage, so the game will select a player to be the best for these 2 jobs, and they will perform better than anyone for some weeks, as the game isn't so paranoid giving contributive roles, a key player is a key player for weeks till the team configuration changes of so, and thaths the same.

    So yeah, if the GK assists/scores from CKs / FKs and does it better than anyone else, he is your man.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    never doing that, never will and totally against it till there is no chance for counter on empty net, every action must have reaction

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Pro - the live animation is cosmetic. The game engine doesn't count how many players are in the box
    Con - That's depends from the general quality of a player. I 'm staying season so I use a GK for penalties, f-k, c-k but I put a 2* player.
    A 5* GK can be successful or not, as any other 5* player.
    I don't think the animation is cosmetic. If so, according to your theory, even if I had two players sent off, the chances of a player heading in a corner will be the same as if no players are sent off. I find that hard to believe, esp when it becomes very obvious my team starts leaking goals when I had even just one player sent off. So it's not pure animation regarding the number of players on the board.

  9. #9
    Rookie Horcrux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IImaestroII View Post
    Yes but he need very good kicking and creativity, my Gk made like 100 of assists (25 ass. / season) in 4 seasons but unfortunately is not registered
    Say what now???

  10. #10
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    I don't think the animation is cosmetic. If so, according to your theory, even if I had two players sent off, the chances of a player heading in a corner will be the same as if no players are sent off. I find that hard to believe, esp when it becomes very obvious my team starts leaking goals when I had even just one player sent off. So it's not pure animation regarding the number of players on the board.
    Cosmetic, preset scenarios, any way you can call them.
    Why in some corners, the successful ones, my players are in the middle of the box, waiting for the pass to score ?

    Why in some others, almost all my players are out of the box and opponent defenders throw away the ball ?
    Even if I have set high pressing, hard attack and set some forth arrows ?
    because the scenario says that I will not score in that corner.

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