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Thread: New Season

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    And it ls already hard enough to find good players for the next season... or you pay so high token prices....

  2. #12
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maloukees View Post
    And it ls already hard enough to find good players for the next season... or you pay so high token prices....
    I mentioned that so many times, in many places on the forum, and not only recently, but as far as a few years back, but nothing has improved. Sometimes the feeling I get is as if they doing all this deliberately to piss you off because it only got worst and worst and you get more frustrated. Many times I bought tokens or have a lot of tokens in stock but I wait and wait, watching lists for many hours every day for the desirable players to show but some never come, and I am like: don't they even want the money or don't they want us to spend our tokens? High prices or not, some players you will be looking for (in some cases, even with the base position only) can just never really show up for you to bid or buy straight. Even the option B player can never show up in days. Now just think if you have to sell more players before the end of season and buy more players at the start of the next season just because of their ****ty competitions draw system. Like I said in a post earlier, they probably read many of the complaints users made but then smiled at the corner of their mouths.
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-09-2019 at 02:25 PM.

  3. #13
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    The transfer system needs an overhaul. It’s crazy having to watch and wait for the position you need. It’s also a waste of time putting anything less than 4* players or age 24+ on there. If you had more 5* aged 22 or less on there you would likely see more being purchased
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  4. #14
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    The transfer system needs an overhaul. It’s crazy having to watch and wait for the position you need. It’s also a waste of time putting anything less than 4* players or age 24+ on there. If you had more 5* aged 22 or less on there you would likely see more being purchased
    Gabez Teh likes this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheWhiteKirby View Post
    I can't wait for the new season, this last season draw was completely unfair for me. I read that new season draws are based on your best 14 players and I just wanted to know if this was before or after the loss of a star or not. Also, what is season scheduling based on? The past 3 seasons all of my games have ran like really freaking close to each other and not allowing adequate rest of my starters. Like I'll have a game in the morning, afternoon, and late that night at least 3 days of the week with one day in between each to rest. This last season I was scheduled like that it felt as if the game was just forcing me out of the tournaments which I eventually did. How am I supposed to compete adequately when I have a cup game 2 hrs before my league game, both against stronger opponents?
    This is my team for next season so far. I only play with a first team squad of 12 players and I've sold 5 players to be left with this.
    The goalie was a scout last season and the DC/DMC was a scout at the start of this season, partially thanks to winning a few tokens in competition and a lot of saving.
    All the rest were a couple of token low stars and trained up with greens.
    This team will be a 3 star 74.6% team at the start of tomorrow, so my opponents will be in the same level in both CL and Cup, although there will always be stronger teams and I'll have a good few hectic hours on the transfer market trying to get 5 18/19 yo's to fill the places and train them up to 100%, or else I'm out the Cup straight away!
    I'll spend about 500 greens on them, saved throughout the season.
    Repeat every 28 days!
    .New Season-newteam.jpg
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  6. #16
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    And here is the team today after a few cheap transfers in (and one DR Scout using a chunk of my saved tokens)
    I'll train DC and a SA onto the new DL and maybe a Playmaker SA onto one of the new MC's and a SA onto Lobos if he's a fast trainer, then train them all up to near 100%.
    Enjoy the season
    New Season-new2.jpg

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    The transfer system needs an overhaul. It’s crazy having to watch and wait for the position you need. It’s also a waste of time putting anything less than 4* players or age 24+ on there. If you had more 5* aged 22 or less on there you would likely see more being purchased
    cough, cough

    My request was...

  8. #18
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabez Teh View Post
    cough, cough

    My request was...
    I’ve asked for this dozens of times in my monthly reports to the Devs. Will it ever happen? I’m not holding my breath.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  9. #19
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    Jan 2014
    And here's the finished team, around 80 tokens spent and about 600 greens, ready to go
    New Season-new3.jpg

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Dreamland, USA
    I've opted for mutants to help keep my star level low and stay away from super 110% teams lol. Thats why i buy from negotiations, high % stats with low star rating. I got a 4.9* ST with 180% finishing attribute

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