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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Official] Top Eleven 8.17 - 13th of November

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by talisman View Post
    Ideal SAs:

    Goalkeeper -Penalty stopper or 1-on-1 stopper
    Defender - Aerial defender or Defensive wall
    Central Midfielder - Playmaker
    Left/Right Midfielder - Corner kick
    Central Attacking Midfielder - Free-kick
    Left/Right Attacking Midfielder - Shadow striker
    Striker - Penalty kick or 1-on-1 Scorer

    1 on 1 stopper for goalkeeper as a penalty is technically one on one, defensive wall, and for the AML/AMR shadow striker and for the ST, one on one scorer because again, penalties are one on one situations technically.

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  2. #22
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    I was already about to comment in the other thread concerning the 'something big coming' much earlier, just after it was posted, but I did not post despite having already typed most of it in. Again it seems that the feedback and complaints from this forum were not taken into consideration. Why Nordeus keeps putting events on the last days of the seasons? So that there are bugs that will affect the users official matches in a more important period of the season? So that the players given as reward and the players bought via offers get obsolete in a matter of a week for those teams that will be promoting next season?

    The most important question for users is why would you spend probably a decent amount of tokens to 'hurry up and strengthen your squad with players with 2 special abilities before they disssappear' in the last week of the season when those players will probably be a 1 week use and then dipose players, and it is likely that most of you will already have a settled squad and will not be looking into making further significant recruits before the start the next season.
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-14-2019 at 10:53 PM.
    julien12 likes this.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    I was already about to comment in the other thread concerning the event much earliier, just after it was posted, but I did not post despite having already typed most of it in. Again it seems that the feedback and complaints from this forum were not taken into consideration. Why Nordeus keeps putting events on the last days of the seasons? So that there are gugs thatbwill affect the usere matches in a more importwnt part of the season? So, that the reward players and the players bought via offers get obsolete in a matter of a week for those teams that will be promoting next season?

    The most important question for users is why would you spend probably a decent amount of tokens to 'hurry up and strengthen your squad with 2 players with special abilities before they disssappear' in the last week of the season when those players will probably be a 1 week use and then dipose players, and it is likely that most of you will already have a settled squad and will not be looking into making further significant recruits before the start the next season.
    Oh I got excited for a bit because O thought they were giving out free SA players today,

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  4. #24
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max McClean View Post
    1 on 1 stopper for goalkeeper as a penalty is technically one on one, defensive wall, and for the AML/AMR shadow striker and for the ST, one on one scorer because again, penalties are one on one situations technically.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    One on one scorer (and dribbler special ability) never shows in open play, so for what would you want a ST with one on one special ability, only for the placebo effect? One-on-one specialist will still be shown to miss a lot of chances just like in the cases of 6-8 stars attacking players blasting wide or high or kicking the ball straight to the goalkeeper a lot of times.

    The same applies for GK with one-on-one stopper special ability. They are unoticeable in open play, and opposing players of 1-2 stars less will still be shown to be able to dribble past those goalkeepers and score, so what is the use of having those, they almost like cosmetic.

    I want to add this.
    MCs having playmaker special ability make assists and the ability icon shows up, but then the assists are not even awarded to the player; this has happened many times and I have reported in the bug section of the forum.
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-14-2019 at 11:04 AM.

  5. #25
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max McClean View Post
    Oh I got excited for a bit because O thought they were giving out free SA players today,

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    Yes, but go look in the other thread (or on the title itself) when the event is starting. It will be like in the last week of this season.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Yes, but go look in the other thread (or on the title itself) when the event is starting. It will be like in the last week of this season.
    Oh for gods sake, why in the last week, that is stupid, I guess I would take them anyway because they are free but they would be gone, that is terrible

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    One on one scorer (and dribbler special ability) never shows in open play, so for what would you want a ST with one on one special ability, only for the placebo effect? One-on-one specialist will still be shown to miss a lot of chances just like in the cases of 6-8 stars attacking players blasting wide or high or kicking the ball straight to the goalkeeper a lot of times.

    The same applies for GK with one-on-one stopper special ability. They are unoticeable in open play, and opposing players of 1-2 stars less will still be shown to be able to dribble past those goalkeepers and score, so what is the use of having those, they almost like cosmetic.

    I want to add this.
    MCs having playmaker special ability make assists and the ability icon shows up, but then the assists are not even awarded to the player; this has happened many times this has happened and I have reported in the bug section of the forum.
    That happens to me too

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    I was already about to comment in the other thread concerning the event much earlier, just after it was posted, but I did not post despite having already typed most of it in. Again it seems that the feedback and complaints from this forum were not taken into consideration. Why Nordeus keeps putting events on the last days of the seasons? So that there are bugs that will affect the users official matches in a more important period of the season? So, that the players given as reward and the players bought via offers get obsolete in a matter of a week for those teams that will be promoting next season?

    The most important question for users is why would you spend probably a decent amount of tokens to 'hurry up and strengthen your squad with 2 players with special abilities before they disssappear' in the last week of the season when those players will probably be a 1 week use and then dipose players, and it is likely that most of you will already have a settled squad and will not be looking into making further significant recruits before the start the next season.
    Where did you get the idea that it’ll be in the last week of the season? I think the event will start somewhere next week, it is just the day 5 of the season. If you’re saying December 4, it is completely different thing (probably TE2020).
    Nebu likes this.

  9. #29
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    yes, those are different things or else @Lian wouldn't make two threads.

    I would buy a defender with Header + Def.wall but wouldn't spend any extra token for a Header + penalty specialist.

  10. #30
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinany03 View Post
    Where did you get the idea that it’ll be in the last week of the season? I think the event will start somewhere next week, it is just the day 5 of the season. If you’re saying December 4, it is completely different thing (probably TE2020).
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    yes, those are different things or else @Lian wouldn't make two threads.

    I would buy a defender with Header + Def.wall but wouldn't spend any extra token for a Header + penalty specialist.
    Ok lets see. Maybe you are right about a part, but what I said about special abilities is true to at least a good extent. Ah, and if those players will be like those last offers (undesirable age, undesirable special abilities, quality not guaranteed and likely to be biased on the lower side, and so on) then they will be another turn off, though a few users will still buy.

    Still, there is 'something big' announced to be coming in the last week of this season despite that in the past many users here complained about the company making changes in the middle of seasons or so that seemed to have negative effects on the game and their gameplay that could ruin their season.

    I do not want to mean but given their history, someone already can expect what will happen. Anyway, like I said earlier, I did not want to post about certain things, but after seeing the posts of some here, I posted.
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-14-2019 at 11:25 AM.

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