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  Click here to go to the first staff post in this thread.   Thread: [Official] Top Eleven 8.17 - 13th of November

  1. #71
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max McClean View Post
    @Sillybq, we have been unhappy for ages, as I have mentioned before, I have started playing in 2017.

    A lot of people are unhappy because they removed the negotiations until the final week of the season, which means they will decrease by 20% in a few days, so they would be useless unless they were fast trainers.

    They gave us a few troll results, which is ok as long as it doesn’t ruin your season,

    Also these double special ability players, they are asking for 169-189 tokens for Middle Aged 6.5 star players.

    I think that the double SA players are bought because they look appealing to some players but really, the abilities are just cosmetic, they are just there probably because they look appealing. And that’s why they are bought and who said they will not become flops, they will become useless the useless the next season because they are pretty old so they will be replaced and a waste of money and we are already half way through the season, what’s the point in giving them to us now? They will decrease in a 2 weeks.

    Another reason people are frustrated is because Nordeus don’t add suggestions people want to make the game better, they make it worse.

    I know they can’t get every suggestion added, that’s normal but can they at least try to get some in?

    Also old players say that the Top Eleven 2015 update was horrible, I don’t know why because I was not playing but they will know about it.

    The double SA players are pretty useless because they are old, expensive and the abilities are there for cosmetics, and who isn’t to say they will become flops?

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    Thank you for the detailed explanation. I understand a little better now. The negativity is overwhelming and probably stems from other issues. Hopefully the admin or mods can help feedback.

    I just thought they were testing the market. That's why the limited time offer. And that I wasn't their target audience.

    I do think that some wealthy players might purchase tokens to buy these scouts. I know in other games, wealthy players pay other professional gamers an hourly rate to help them gain experience. This in comparison is nothing. If such players exist here and help keep the game non pay to win, I have no objections as a player whose only contribution is watching videos.

  2. #72
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    boycott for what reason ? Is there any one who will buy those crap offers ?
    Why some one buy with 149 tokens a GK with two sa when with the same tokens can buy 2 GKs with those sa each (and maybe higher q or youngers) ?
    Nordeus boycott itself
    By stop supporting them and their game. It is the only option left because it seems they will never change or listen to the feedback of users and make improvements and introduce new things based on that. Users been complaining for months and years about many things, some almost like begging, but what positive effect they had? Every new thing or change is like completely the reverse of what users been asking for. It is like all those users been talking to themselves. Like someone said, maybe they take things for granted, or maybe they think it is the users that need them instead of the reverse and they can do whatever want upto the point of lacking respect and 'insulting' their own customers with their ways.

    For me personally, I got so used to their **** that in some way to say I just ignore them, and I already took measures - I stopped buying tokens and I planned to quit the game too, but after seeing many users on social websites keep on banging their head against the wall trying to influence Nordeus by telling them what they do not like, what is wrong, what they want and so on regularly, I have to comment. People should simply stop supporting this ****, but if they don't and instead keep banging their head against the wall, then they are to be partly blamed themselves because they chose to continue to support something that kept going against them and causing them displeasure instead of freeing themselves from this 'bondage' and teach the company a lesson.
    Last edited by Tactician; 11-26-2019 at 01:44 PM.

  3. #73

    [Official] Top Eleven 8.17 - 13th of November

    Yeah, boycotting could work because it would make the company realise how much they had messed up, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody’s idea being added into the game, I wonder who suggested that they should remove negotiations until the final week of the season, I would say Nordeus did that themselves, I have quit 5 times from the game, and I think they have finally pushed me after the point beyond return.
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 11-26-2019 at 07:35 PM.

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    @Lian (or @Sausy or any other dev)
    do you really play Top Eleven ?
    I mean to have your own team, trying to win some titles every season, having a limited budget (not unlimited free tokens from your company) ?
    Is there any one in your marketing department who 's watching how many sales per month you have with those 500 tokens recommended players ?
    Do you know how the training system and age of players are work ?

    The only reason I see for someone to buy those scouts, is to do tanking and buy it as a memento .
    My thoughts would most likely be, No.

    They could have an account but with unlimited tokens

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  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by IImaestroII View Post
    A question , why not giving all the players possibility to train a 2nd sa ? Instead of this xxxxx ( can't say it ^^ ). Do you realize that no body will buy this players ?
    that should be there in top eleven 2020

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Already updating to 8.18. For upcoming events and fix bug. This update for the Dec. 4 event?

  7. #77
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by theclubofwins View Post
    that should be there in top eleven 2020
    Considering that crap MCs or STs now cost +30 tokens in the market, I could guess that they will replace the cheap scoutes with those 150-200 tokens scoutes with the excuse of double sa.
    Don't forget Nordeus greed

  8. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Ποσιδονας View Post
    Considering that crap MCs or STs now cost +30 tokens in the market, I could guess that they will replace the cheap scoutes with those 150-200 tokens scoutes with the excuse of double sa.
    Don't forget Nordeus greed
    This could probably cause lots to quit.

    A few but from the scout market, I hope they don’t do this or I will never be able to buy a scout again.

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  9. #79
    I found someone who bought 5 of those double SA Players, how silly lol, the goalkeeper actually is performing well, (maybe only for a short while lol)

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  10. #80
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Max McClean View Post
    I found someone who bought 5 of those double SA Players, how silly lol, the goalkeeper actually is performing well, (maybe only for a short while lol)
    I knew there would be players like that. Is he a noob? What level is he?
    Last edited by nikolgiorgos; 12-01-2019 at 09:05 AM.

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