The "fine sprint" is just a figure of speech ,I could have just as easily used "the devil is in the detail". I was skeptical of this Black Friday offer from the off as I always am with any "up to" offer. Upon investigation I saw the ten card trick that is heavily weighted in favour of the game , so I guess that is the "fine print" they arent showing us up front. If you want to pay more than normal for a player just for the thrill of turning a card in a game of chance then go ahead. Smarter managers will see this for what it really is and leave it alone. SHAME NORDEUS SHAME ,THIS IS THE MOST DISHONEST THING YOU HAVE DONE IN MY TIME IN THE GAME. Even worse is your not really trying to hide your dishonesty , I wonder if a clever lawyer might find a case of dishonest trading in all this.......................