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  • 1 Post By FC-Helsinki

Thread: on fire broken?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    on fire broken?

    anyone else have problem when having on fire player in team that next match is harder to play than it should be? for me every match i entered with player on fire are struggling, hardly to win (if wining at all) even oponent are way weaker.
    3 loses and 3 draws when having on fire player this season, some of them was from teams 20% or more weaker, that is way more than i have troled matches in seasons before. Hard for me to understand that player on fire earned on equal team match,get barely 7.0 rating vs weaker teams from bottom of league ,unable to score, + every time my match start with that min ago messege mean defeat or draw
    Manager level : 40
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    anyone else have problem when having on fire player in team that next match is harder to play than it should be? for me every match i entered with player on fire are struggling, hardly to win (if wining at all) even oponent are way weaker.
    3 loses and 3 draws when having on fire player this season, some of them was from teams 20% or more weaker, that is way more than i have troled matches in seasons before. Hard for me to understand that player on fire earned on equal team match,get barely 7.0 rating vs weaker teams from bottom of league ,unable to score, + every time my match start with that min ago messege mean defeat or draw
    whole game is broken...its like building on quicksand now, whatever they do the engine cant handle it and stupid results, which take no notice of the game circumstance, are all too common.

    lets hope the top eleven 2020 removes all the rubbish ....dont hold your breath

  3. #3
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Jun 2015
    The thing is that what has been announced to be coming might be the contributor too. How? What if they already migrated some parts of the game to the new version despite that users are still playing on the current version? That can result to conflicts or negative effects.

    From my side, what I have noticed to have changed since last 2 days of last season is that certain things (such as orders) did not work the same way; what was working before and how they were working has probably changed. Highlights have been also even more misleading. I feel (too) that more parts of the game got broken recently.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    For me if one of my player is on fire, I cannot notice any difference in the teams or the players perfomance. To me this seems to be another cosmetic thing in the game.

    Lähetetty minun SNE-LX1 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by FC-Helsinki View Post
    For me if one of my player is on fire, I cannot notice any difference in the teams or the players perfomance. To me this seems to be another cosmetic thing in the game.

    Lähetetty minun SNE-LX1 laitteesta Tapatalkilla
    for me on fire is a danger signal, that the player will underperform very soon.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    There might be a contribution but i kind of get the feeling Dratzen has.

    Of course the oponnet player might have more players on fire then we

  7. #7
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Not sure but I do not feel any difference. No negative or positive impact for me. Like it was cosmetic