I suspect that if a user spends a lot (not small amounts) this causes some sort of re-roll in certain hidden factors. The troll, bad form or whatever may suddenly vanishe and it is your opponents or closest rivals that get trolled.
The reverse might occur too if this thing is true as a team that currently has good hidden factors may get worst ones due to a forced re-roll.
The thing is that users must find ways to force re-rolls if such a thing exist in this game so that they can get rid of a bad period. Some users try training, others buy and sell players (squad changes), some buy tokens, some do a combination of those, some change the win bonus, some stop attending matches and others something else. Each one has his own perceptions and suspicions.
How do you think my team got trolled many times for that case I said above? That user whose team won the league on last day by goal difference was a big token buyer. He was buying scouts and recommended players. The game maybe decided he deserved to win the league and trolled me because I did not buy anything in that period. Hahaha.
There is another thing. There is a breaking point - an amount of quality difference that will override the effect of bad roles of dices, that is if your team have this quality difference and you are a decent manager (decent tactics, keep team in good condition, training bonuses and so on) you will not lose or even draw no matter what unless there is a flaw or bug. The thing is that this quality difference might be much more now because they tweaked the game engine due to unrealistic high scores and maybe due to the mutant effect.