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Thread: I quit the game. Thanks for the fun.

  1. #21
    Apprentice Ludo_Mansio's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    Maybe is what Nordeus want - users recycling or starting over again.
    I really don't think they do! I would love to start over again (playing in levels 1-20 is the most enjoyable for me) but Nordeus don't make it easy. There's no reset button and no easy way to close down one team to start up another. Once you're team is linked to your Facebook or Google account the only thing you can do to start again is use another Facebook or Google account. It can take months to properly remove an old team.

    I don't really understand why, but it seems Nordeus wants us to slowly go up the levels forever... or just leave if we're not giving them any money!!

  2. #22
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ludo_Mansio View Post
    I really don't think they do! I would love to start over again (playing in levels 1-20 is the most enjoyable for me) but Nordeus don't make it easy. There's no reset button and no easy way to close down one team to start up another. Once you're team is linked to your Facebook or Google account the only thing you can do to start again is use another Facebook or Google account. It can take months to properly remove an old team.

    I don't really understand why, but it seems Nordeus wants us to slowly go up the levels forever... or just leave if we're not giving them any money!!
    With a new account, not with the same account (keeping all your resources and so on)... you can see what I mean.
    But what I said is just to add some spice; only they know what are their intentions but users can guess some after having their repetitive scammy offers and so on, and someone cannot trust them enough after all this. They have gone the dirty way of doing business.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    This is not the way to play this game anyway. Only an idiot with huge resources in stock will do that.
    No intention of being rude whatsoever but that's exactly what I think of people paying tokens to refresh the scouts' list...

  4. #24
    Elite Tactician's Avatar
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    I quit the game. Thanks for the fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by gizzmo View Post
    No intention of being rude whatsoever but that's exactly what I think of people paying tokens to refresh the scouts' list...
    This game keeps putting the user into situations where he will feel the need to and even in some cases be forced to do certain things. I myself I refreshed the scout lists a few times. In one case where I was desperate for certain players, there were 3 refreshes done in a row (1 by countdown expiry and two forced using tokens, 24x2 T) but still I did not get all the desired players I was looking for. If I am not mistaken, for that particular case, I was looking for a DC with aerial defender special abilty and an MC with playmaker specil ability. So two players to get from 3 different lists but could only get 1. Others were with unwanted special abilities like penalty, free-kick and so on. Keep into consideration that the scout list itself is like a B option for me. No way I was going to refresh further. There is a limit. Like I said, Nordeus is the kind of company to repetitively offer people oranges to buy even though those people are looking for grapes.

    It is not just like that I became so annoyed and so on. It is something that has been building on since months with having to go through the same repetitive thing again and again. I could not even keep the same full squad of players for many seasons to avoid going through this s**t because the game would only put my team into tougher competitions like happened one season after I spent a lot of money building a team that was supposed to be long term investement. At some point, I simply had enough and best for me was to quit the game.
    Last edited by Tactician; 12-15-2019 at 07:14 AM. Reason: Strange how some my posts got censored; must be a hater that reported for his own gratification.

  5. #25

    I quit the game. Thanks for the fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tactician View Post
    I think what is most important is to have fun and entertainment without causing harm of course. This is the purpose of playing video games. So, you guys who still having lots of fun without significant side effects, enjoy. For me, the game became more of pain to play properly like I wanted and even when I adapted to play in a certain way due to how certain things are in the game, the main problem was the same.

    Khris, no way. This has been an ongoing repetitive scenario since years. Some users have been waiting and waiting with hope that something will change in areas that they want. For my case, I cannot bear going through that sh***y recruitment process anymore. I did what I could in the past seasons upto the point of waking up in the middle of night to see what is there on the auctions, and also missing a lot of sleep, and I even refreshed the scout lists using tokens many times when I needed certain players immediately, but still could not get what I wanted as such. My main problem is quit clear, and anyone should be able to see that is unnacceptable. A user cannot be expected to stick to screen for many hours every day till he finds the desired players to buy or buy any crap that can fill the positions even though this is against his will. Sometimes even the B or C player do not even show up. This is how s**t this game has been those past seasons in terms of making transfers. The new academy system would have improved things slightly for me but it will be likely be the same problem again as there is no full control over what type of player will come in that list and there is no guarantee that even half of the list will be players that have the qualities (position, speed of progress in training, performing ability, overall quality and so on) that I want. I do not want to wait 1 or 2 more seasons (1-2 months) anyway. Nordeus can 's**k' it.
    Maybe a bit late to reply but oh well, anyway

    I agree, being told to wait every year to wait another to wait another year for features that will not come, it really annoys me that I would also get up in the middle of the night to watch matches that were totally ridiculous times and buy players in correct positions, and eating sometimes until 12:30 in the morning to watch 40 mins of ads NO THANK YOU, I think some of these points above drove me insane like getting up in the middle of the night to Play Top Eleven, I decided a few nights ago, I will not waste my life away coming back to this,

    I am no longer losing sleep over this ****.
    Glad I left,

    I will copy and paste this since I am to lazy to type something of similar quality myself, this paragraph is the exact same reason to what
    lead me to quit.

    This has been an ongoing repetitive scenario since years. Some users have been waiting and waiting with hope that something will change in areas that they want. For my case, I cannot bear going through that sh***y recruitment process anymore. I did what I could in the past seasons upto the point of waking up in the middle of night to see what is there on the auctions, and also missing a lot of sleep, and I even refreshed the scout lists using tokens many times when I needed certain players immediately, but still could not get what I wanted as such. My main problem is quit clear, and anyone should be able to see that is unnacceptable. A user cannot be expected to stick to screen for many hours every day till he finds the desired players to buy or buy any crap that can fill the positions even though this is against his will. Sometimes even the B or C player do not even show up. This is how s**t this game has been those past seasons in terms of making transfers. The new academy system would have improved things slightly for me but it will be likely be the same problem again as there is no full control over what type of player will come in that list and there is no guarantee that even half of the list will be players that have the qualities (position, speed of progress in training, performing ability, overall quality and so on) that I want. I do not want to wait 1 or 2 more seasons (1-2 months) anyway. Nordeus can 's**k' it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Max; 12-15-2019 at 12:39 PM. Reason: Just saying the last paragraph of this post was copy and pasted from Tactician’s post because I was too lazy to write my own material lol.

  6. #26
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    I have to agree with you on this auction matter. I ve been ranting about it ever since has been introduced, they even made it worse that people from different levels can fight on the same level despite having different budget.
    I could never understand why should I wait hours for that tab to refresh every 4 mins just to see the same 21-31y old crappy players no one ever wants. Back then with top 11 2015 if you would have woken up in the morning of the first day of the season 70% of that list would have been 18-21y players, most of them being FT with abilities.
    That was the heaven, I was marvelous.And you could have bought them for 1-5T each. That good the old auction was.
    But again, what should I expect from NORDEUS? When they think improving my MC is actually a do list on my season s wishes. Like lol, no one wants to pay 7T for a 4* player from my recommendation/assistant or whoever the heck he is. Not to mention they suggested me to buy a DL 131% I think for 479T I believe. I mean if they ask me that price for an overpriced player. I am really curious to see what quality will my future academy graduates have.If they would all be FT I would say good job , Nordeus. Otherwise I am rooting for the old academy system.Don t want 4 academy graduates that aren't FT, no thank you.

  7. #27
    Pro CM-16's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    I have to agree with you on this auction matter. I ve been ranting about it ever since has been introduced, they even made it worse that people from different levels can fight on the same level despite having different budget.
    I could never understand why should I wait hours for that tab to refresh every 4 mins just to see the same 21-31y old crappy players no one ever wants. Back then with top 11 2015 if you would have woken up in the morning of the first day of the season 70% of that list would have been 18-21y players, most of them being FT with abilities.
    That was the heaven, I was marvelous.And you could have bought them for 1-5T each. That good the old auction was.
    But again, what should I expect from NORDEUS? When they think improving my MC is actually a do list on my season s wishes. Like lol, no one wants to pay 7T for a 4* player from my recommendation/assistant or whoever the heck he is. Not to mention they suggested me to buy a DL 131% I think for 479T I believe. I mean if they ask me that price for an overpriced player. I am really curious to see what quality will my future academy graduates have.If they would all be FT I would say good job , Nordeus. Otherwise I am rooting for the old academy system.Don t want 4 academy graduates that aren't FT, no thank you.
    The good thing about the old auction is that the player pool vs betting managers number ratio is much, much bigger therefore there are more instances of Managers getting 5* players from any ages for just 1 token. The problem now is that the ratio is multiple times smaller and there is no special hours where 5* 18-21 y/o Nordgens dominating the chart, but instead just 15 random Nordgens from various qualities every 5 minutes. What was not great about the past auctions was only one thing and it was tokens not coming back should u lose a bidding war. But tbh I prefer that. I prefer losing 20 tokens bidding for 20 Nordgens and getting one and being able to know who would buy my unwanted players rather than tossing 20-30 tokens against 8-9 other managers that would have sinking feelings of not being able to grab the players they NEED and the premise of selling players rn being tossing them into oblivion.

    I think I would stay in TE much longer if the premise of the game is all about managing your team, mentality and tactics instead of frustratingly waiting for players in auction. Not everyone has time for it

    And no. Scouts and Recommendations are mostly money grabber and doesn't recommend you the players u need either. At times I got lucky with Daily players but then again, it's random
    Last edited by CM-16; 12-15-2019 at 12:22 AM.
    Love The Nationality Games Here!

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    Tight on Token boi here and I wanna have some fun

  8. #28

    I quit the game. Thanks for the fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    I have to agree with you on this auction matter. I ve been ranting about it ever since has been introduced, they even made it worse that people from different levels can fight on the same level despite having different budget.
    I could never understand why should I wait hours for that tab to refresh every 4 mins just to see the same 21-31y old crappy players no one ever wants. Back then with top 11 2015 if you would have woken up in the morning of the first day of the season 70% of that list would have been 18-21y players, most of them being FT with abilities.
    That was the heaven, I was marvelous.And you could have bought them for 1-5T each. That good the old auction was.
    But again, what should I expect from NORDEUS? When they think improving my MC is actually a do list on my season s wishes. Like lol, no one wants to pay 7T for a 4* player from my recommendation/assistant or whoever the heck he is. Not to mention they suggested me to buy a DL 131% I think for 479T I believe. I mean if they ask me that price for an overpriced player. I am really curious to see what quality will my future academy graduates have.If they would all be FT I would say good job , Nordeus. Otherwise I am rooting for the old academy system.Don t want 4 academy graduates that aren't FT, no thank you.
    As I said I took a huge paragraph off Tactician’s post but I would have wrote something similar, I got sick of it to be honest so I left.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Last edited by Max; 04-03-2020 at 04:00 PM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Tactician you have all my respect because I think you deserve it, wherever you go it will improve with you

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