You should.
If u invest more than time in this game, it is a waste.
I lose to 4-4-2 with a mutch better team, almowst every time...
You should.
If u invest more than time in this game, it is a waste.
I lose to 4-4-2 with a mutch better team, almowst every time...
sell ur striker
Thats football???? REALLY? What you quoted was a once in a lifetime result that will happen again in another.....NEVER!
FYI, it was 69% - 31% and the result was 2-2
Celtic-Barcelona 2-1, 90%-10% possesin... that was never, right?
Last edited by Eugen Cristea; 11-02-2013 at 11:00 PM.
Du học Đài Loan vừa học vừa làm - Tư vấn Du học Đài Loan chi phí thấp, vừa học vừa làm, hỗ trợ việc làm thêm thu nhập hấp dẫn.
Yes it was never. Stop writing nonsense without facts just cause you *feel* it was a certain way. People should stop making uninformed claims about possession. No professional team has 9 times more possession than the opponent.
Celtic - Barcelona 2-1, possession 27% - 73%
UEFA Champions League 2012/13 - History - Celtic-Barcelona –
Screenshot by Lightshot
Screenshot by Lightshot
Screenshot by Lightshot
Screenshot by Lightshot
whats wrong here???
I dont understand what you mean by "we will see if we could do something to avoid that".
you cant possibly mean we can avoid bad results? This is T11, bad results are standard here and now. I dont know what else I would complain about in my life without T11. Seriously. 100% serious.
Nothing. He had twice the shots on target that you did. Probably because of the fact you played with only 4 defenders against his 3 strikers and his passing through mid could easily reach those strikers. Your attack was poor (amc taken out by dmc, 2 strikers vs 4 defenders, no punch on flanks) and he tactically beat you despite your better quality team. Possession doesn't mean much in this game.
i just lost to a rubbish team with weak performance.
what a waste of money.