Hi, can anyone tell me what the shadow striker special ability does?
Thanks in advance
Hi, can anyone tell me what the shadow striker special ability does?
Thanks in advance
It makes your striker winger disappear.
I m still around, LOL!
The shadow striker SA is typically for AMC/L/R, which enables them to perform like a striker in goal-scoring situations.
From own experience, my top AML/AMC/ST with Shadow Striker SA (rarely used as a ST unless some specific scenario pops up. Eg. an inactive opponent gets a DC sent off, so switch play to 3 STs to take the most advantage) scores loads of long-range shots and nearly never miss, when ML and DL would have some saved.
Need high shooting and finishing to make the most of the SA.
Winning is a form of art. Consistently winning is a show-hand of skills and luck.
The shadow striker's ability is to make unexpected long shots from outside the box . When a player with ss makes a long shot and scores you will see the icon to appear . usually, shadow striker needs high shooting finishing and creativity . A high positioning would help to be in the right spot . lastly , strength would help to give more power in the shot .I used to train my aml/amc/amr with ss . Will see now , during rebuilding . but in general im well satisfied with this ability . i would choose it between dribbler . for sure much worth it
Below you will see my shadow striker guy mostly used as aml
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