I'm a Level 19 manager but still unsure about how to set my ticket prices for each competition. Would be nice if anyone can help(Stadium capacity is 43,000 soon to be 53,500)
I'm a Level 19 manager but still unsure about how to set my ticket prices for each competition. Would be nice if anyone can help(Stadium capacity is 43,000 soon to be 53,500)
hello my friend . You should calculate prizes like level multiplied by 2,5 . Then you should start adapting ... Try to always have the +5% bonus but at the same time to get as much money as possible : )
For official in-game help please refer to Top Eleven Support here.
I upload top eleven content on my YouTube Channel.
tried to multiply the level by 2.25 last game only had 8000/43000 fans, so I guess I'm way off
The general idea on ticket price is we should always try to increase the ticket price at the start of a new season to find out the equilibrium where any $1 increase would result in a drop of bonus to be less than 5%.
From experience, when a team is doing very well (ie. straight wins in competitions), we also could try increasing ticket price at the latter part of the season. Usually it could work to increase it again for the semi-final at least.
And without increasing according to the earliest timing period then the potential higher ticket price increase margin could be lost as well.
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