
, I only realised by seeing from your team name that you are on my friends list, congrats on winning the the Cup,

Onto my point, troll results are usually games where you have had complete control, more than 65% possession, way more shots and shots on target yet you still lose to high **** efficiency or a superb gk, you also miss a lot of chances in the game that your team would normally put it away.
A troll result is a game where you have a vastly superior quality, mostly against abandoned teams but sometimes active, So basically a game where you lost or draw that most people, including yourself expected an easy win,
I see that the first place was stronger than you, the second place was 9% weaker than you so not necessarily a troll, you drew to a 22% weaker team, this can be classified as a troll but the manager is a quadruple winner so it depends on certain factors, that only you or the other manager knows.
Yes you could have had a few trolls but I don’t know what games you failed to win were, except a few, and they were against good teams, the ones I saw you draw you lose, the CL and Cup may have been easier as your opponents may have had much lower quality than you.
These results can happen anywhere from 1-3 times a season, maybe 4 times if you are unlucky, if you get more than that than maybe the teams or the game engine are taking advantage of a flaw in your formation or orders that you have set up.