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Thread: scout players

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    scout players

    i am wondering why in scout offered players are not players from ny country, along with that there is no players from more countries
    I am from croatia for example, from time to time i got offer for croatian player in assistent offer but never get any in scout, why? actualy in scout players from region i get offers for only serbian nationality players, where are slovenian, bosnian, croatian or other regional players?
    I can even call it some kind of disrespect
    Manager level : 40
    League trophies : 20
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  2. #2
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Yes there is only a selection of nations which are "standard nations" in Top Eleven, who appear in auctions and scout.
    Players from the other, rare nations can only be obtained by youth players or sometimes assistant recommendation...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Der_Ryan_M View Post
    Yes there is only a selection of nations which are "standard nations" in Top Eleven, who appear in auctions and scout.
    Players from the other, rare nations can only be obtained by youth players or sometimes assistant recommendation...
    still it is a BS, it is few lines in algoritam, not that hard, not saying it should be 10 players from croatia every scout refresh, but surely from time to time should, just checked new scout players offer, 4 serbian players offered, if they put that many from one country why cant be more nationality diversed