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Thread: Watching videos for tokens

  1. #1
    Newbie squodge's Avatar
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    London, England

    Watching videos for tokens

    I've been reading in many threads that some people are earning tokens by watching videos... but I don't see any videos, apart from the ones within the game that are YouTube videos about the game. Is there a special place to view these videos for tokens?

  2. #2
    Addicted IImaestroII's Avatar
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    Jul 2017
    Hi and welcome to the forum is not possible to earn tokens from videos. Be careful about these kind of videos that advertise things like " free tokens " cause they are not legit

    “Football is born in the brain, not in the body"

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by squodge View Post
    I've been reading in many threads that some people are earning tokens by watching videos... but I don't see any videos, apart from the ones within the game that are YouTube videos about the game. Is there a special place to view these videos for tokens?
    Yes, llmaestroll is right, no one can watch videos for tokens.

    You may also see youtube videos or sites that have titles such as “use this website/hack to get unlimited tokens” Those are scams, please don’t fall for any of those. Those sites probably want some of your personal information, so never ever visit those sites or follow what a person is telling you to do in a video advertising these sites.

    Those sites will never be secure.

    So to sum up, there is no hack that will get you lots of tokens.

  4. #4
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    My friends above aswered you . But I would like to add , that I thik (not sure) that in the old times you could earn a token by watching videos (ads) , in the free tokens section
    Altiplano likes this.
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  5. #5
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by milpol View Post
    My friends above aswered you . But I would like to add , that I thik (not sure) that in the old times you could earn a token by watching videos (ads) , in the free tokens section
    Yes in old times was common to watch videos for token, long time ago though, at least 5 or 6 years, it was when I was new to TE.

  6. #6
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squodge View Post
    I've been reading in many threads that some people are earning tokens by watching videos... but I don't see any videos, apart from the ones within the game that are YouTube videos about the game. Is there a special place to view these videos for tokens?
    Unfortunately you can t , and in my opinion having hundreds of tokens laying around is better than having hundreds of rests around.
    You can earn 25 greens per day+ friendlies and official games, but tokens you can only get one per day...and not everyone has the opportunity to play in platinum association.
    I m still around, LOL!

  7. #7
    Dreamer Rizla's Avatar
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    Videos for token stoped late february 2017.
    Back then you could farm 25T per day...

  8. #8
    Famous Der_Ryan_M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperDunk View Post
    Unfortunately you can t , and in my opinion having hundreds of tokens laying around is better than having hundreds of rests around.
    You can earn 25 greens per day+ friendlies and official games, but tokens you can only get one per day...and not everyone has the opportunity to play in platinum association.
    Of course because token are the premium currency with which you can buy all other ressources also.

  9. #9
    Apprentice Lyricalray's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squodge View Post
    I've been reading in many threads that some people are earning tokens by watching videos... but I don't see any videos, apart from the ones within the game that are YouTube videos about the game. Is there a special place to view these videos for tokens?
    That was possible at the early years of the game but not anymore.

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  10. #10
    Newbie squodge's Avatar
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    London, England
    Thanks for the replies, guys - much appreciated!

    I did play Top Eleven about 8 years ago, when the game looked nothing like it does now.
    I only recently decided to take another look at it, and I was surprised how different the game looked - it's far slicker now.