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Thread: Why play if expecting to win every game

  1. #11
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by July Fourth View Post
    I've spent a good amount now on tokens over the last 5 months I've been power training and enjoyed it, I've normally spent larger amounts in minutes on a online casino and ended up with NOTHING every time.
    You see, this is why I don't criticize too much. We all waste our money, just in our own ways. I don't buy tokens but I smoke 10 cigarettes a day. People buy alcohol, gamble, junk food, cigarettes, tokens etc etc.

    I don't think it's a bad thing buying tokens but for me personally, I'll enjoy this game more if I didn't buy them.

  2. #12
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
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    Oops! sorry, double post.

  3. #13
    VIP July Fourth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by El Pistolero View Post
    You see, this is why I don't criticize too much. We all waste our money, just in our own ways. I don't buy tokens but I smoke 10 cigarettes a day. People buy alcohol, gamble, junk food, cigarettes, tokens etc etc.

    I don't think it's a bad thing buying tokens but for me personally, I'll enjoy this game more if I didn't buy them.
    To be honest, I enjoyed the game more when I didn't buy any either, just farming, at least my team then didn't become overpowered in terms of power training and walking the league in the last 5 seasons and winning the Champions League in the last 5 seasons also. I mainly walked a few of the leagues in the earlier levels of the game due to the sheer number of inactive teams there was and there was nothing to compete against a 5* team, but the game is best when there other teams that are able to compete against you for the trophies rather than beating teams that are 10-15Q worse than you nearly all the time.
    *Retired From Top Eleven*

  4. #14
    Champion El Pistolero's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by July Fourth View Post
    To be honest, I enjoyed the game more when I didn't buy any either, just farming, at least my team then didn't become overpowered in terms of power training and walking the league in the last 5 seasons and winning the Champions League in the last 5 seasons also. I mainly walked a few of the leagues in the earlier levels of the game due to the sheer number of inactive teams there was and there was nothing to compete against a 5* team, but the game is best when there other teams that are able to compete against you for the trophies rather than beating teams that are 10-15Q worse than you nearly all the time.
    You could stop spending tokens anytime and have a strong squad without signing a player for atleast 2 or 3 seasons.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    Game account has been disable

    my Top eleven account has been disable any one can fix that?

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valdo Junior View Post
    my Top eleven account has been disable any one can fix that?
    You've started a thread in this, now your in here asking. Contract nordeus support, common sense man!

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by July Fourth View Post
    I've spent a good amount now on tokens over the last 5 months I've been power training and enjoyed it, I've normally spent larger amounts in minutes on a online casino and ended up with NOTHING every time.
    Yes but at least at the online casino, you have a chance to win actual money = your money gives you a chance at more money.

    It comes down to which scammers do you want to feed?

  8. #18
    Dreamer Keith Gaule's Avatar
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    I like the "chance to win real money" idea ... like you ever will I play the casino slots now and then, when I win, I know it's just getting back what I already lost before.

    I wouldn't spend much on this game, it's not anywhere in-depth enough for that. I have purchased a pack of tokens, used it to buy 2 scouts - and a couple of health packs. That's it. I'm dominating my second league, with ease, I wouldn't want to go too OP, I like a bit of a challenge.

    Yesterday in the cup I beat a complete token team. You can just tell. At level 2 all his players are into the orange stars!? Yeah, no amount of training them up will do that without scouting. I won 6-3, I was never behind. That felt good!
    cracicot likes this.

  9. #19
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keith Gaule View Post
    I wouldn't spend much on this game, it's not anywhere in-depth enough for that.
    Well said.

  10. #20
    Grand Master PricopGeorgeCătălin's Avatar
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    Depend against who you are loosing, sometimes it can be very annoying to lose against some illegal formation or things like that but yes it will be boring to win everything, it won't be any fun anymore.
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