21 years old . AMR,AMC,AML
Special ability: free kick specialist
21 years old . AMR,AMC,AML
Special ability: free kick specialist
so CL matches don't seem to count in the 'attend 10 of your League and Cup matches'.
Bit unfair on everyone that gets the horrible first round Cup knockout, limits it to 10 days solid of having to attend every game.
The start 6 league matches with both starting line-up and subs with superb morale - Did this in todays game, but do have a few 'on fire', and it hasn't counted as 1 of the 6???
Any ideas guys
So if a player is on fire it doesn't count?? Will this be changed in the future?
I had all players on field with perfekt morale and also the reserve in my leauge match but it didn't count .... why ? BUG ???
Could this be that Nordeus replaced the âuse 100 morale boostersâ task with this one to make us use blue packs? In that case, they purposefully leave on fire out because we canât use boosters to have on fire. However, the problem with this logic is, it forces us to watch for potential on fire occurences: donât let a player gain a star, donât have 3 goals/assists by a player, donât claim the sponsor event on fire rewards![]()