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  • 1 Post By Siddharth Singh
  • 1 Post By Sinany03
  • 1 Post By rodalopin

Thread: Young talents... difference?

  1. #1

    Young talents... difference?

    Hey lads,

    Quick one... in the "Young Talent Centre" (the Academy) when I got the list of new players to sign, I can see for example today, 3 players, same position but they difer in price... this way (expected quality / tokens-price):
    - 60.7 / 3 token
    - 56.9 / 4 tokens
    - 57.4 / Free

    So the price doesn't correspond with the expected quality. Does this could give a clue of a FT (2nd)? This is just confusing and doesn't mean anything?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    I was also asking myself the same thing

    Sent from my Redmi Note 7 using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    From what I have heard from experience managers is that there is no relation between tokens and quality and none of the players from Youth Academy are top class fast trainers.
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Token price do not reflect performance and/or faster training capacity from my experience.

    What I do in these kind of situations is that I add more than 1 player in the same position, and I check to see which one trains faster with the coaches when the training starts on day 8. Say you add the 56.9 and 57.4 players. On day 8, lok how much they can improve with, say, Head coach. If 56.9 will gain 35.2 and the 57.4 will gain 33.6, then 56.9 is a faster trainer than the other one.

    Note that this comparison works best when the initial potential qualies are close. If you compare 60.7 and 56.9 players, lower quality one will definitely improve more (unless he is a terribly slow trainer, and in that case you definitely know not to train him).
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.

  5. #5
    Thanks both for the responses and the good tips there @Sinany03
    Sinany03 likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Before i got a free and a player for tokens

    And the free one was better trainer then the one i got for tokens

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    60.7 / 3 token is slow trainer
    56.9 / 4 tokens and 57.4 / Free are good trainers.