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Thread: Struggling with teams with Mutant players

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2019

    Struggling with teams with Mutant players

    Hi Guys

    I have a reasonable team 139%:
    Def = 136%
    Mid = 141.6
    Att = 142.9

    So fairly balanced team, but when I come up against a team with one or two mutant players - 170% + I always struggle and my 130 odd% defenders have shockers I (and the keeper quite often).
    I am guessing no one has any good tips to help beat these teams?


    Golden Lion FC

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by davewootton1964 View Post
    Hi Guys

    I have a reasonable team 139%:
    Def = 136%
    Mid = 141.6
    Att = 142.9

    So fairly balanced team, but when I come up against a team with one or two mutant players - 170% + I always struggle and my 130 odd% defenders have shockers I (and the keeper quite often).
    I am guessing no one has any good tips to help beat these teams?


    Golden Lion FC
    I dont know what else to expect from this game, everytime i face a mutant team its a guaranteed loss, regardless of how good my team is, it's a joke when you face mutant teams, specially tankers. I just lost a Champions League semi final to a turk team, home and away, conceding 5 goals and only scoring 1, the opponent had less rating than my team, i compared both sets of players and it was even, my team all of a sudden can't defend to save their lives, nevermind scoring, and the turk plays me off the park, what a joke. Until the semis my team was tight in defense and efficient in attack, but now all of a sudden they play like amateurs? BS game
    I know turks are notorious cheaters with online games, it wouldnt surprise me at all.
    Last edited by JohnnyEye; 11-04-2020 at 06:36 AM.
    davewootton1964 likes this.

  3. #3
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    It seems that if you have a couple of mutant attacking players, it doesn’t matter how low quality your defence is because the mutants will destroy the opposition regardless.

    That’s why for me it makes no sense to power train anyone but ST, AMC, AML or AMR.
    davewootton1964 likes this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  4. #4
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    You just need to buy Mourinho's support.
    This season it is clear that whoever made the purchase of the Special Sponsor does not need to have time well trained or worry about the orders.
    The system simply gives them victory, no matter what you do during the game.
    For those who want to continue playing without spending money, better look for another game, that's what I'm going to do now!

  5. #5
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    This is an interesting statement. I cannot comment because I buy the Special Sponsor and I have won every game in the League this season but I do have a couple of beasts as AML, AMR and AMC.
    Anyone else bought the Special Sponsor but had a shocker of a season?
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  6. #6
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    I have practically a full time of beasts and I didn't earn anything in the season. I lost the league to a team much weaker than mine in Skills but that had Mourinho.In Champions was more ridiculous still, I was disqualified for taking a goal at home in overtime against a much weaker team with Manager off!

  7. #7
    Famous EastsiderSG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diaboloiro68 View Post
    You just need to buy Mourinho's support.
    This season it is clear that whoever made the purchase of the Special Sponsor does not need to have time well trained or worry about the orders.
    The system simply gives them victory, no matter what you do during the game.
    For those who want to continue playing without spending money, better look for another game, that's what I'm going to do now!

    Sorry but i have to disagree. Nordeus in my books has been very fair.
    Let me provide some proof.

    Struggling with teams with Mutant players-4d9e6b12-b8aa-44fe-8b9a-9c54212ee7ef.jpg
    Struggling with teams with Mutant players-8c12d2d3-4f08-44b8-96b6-3f5adaa0ede9.jpg

    In case you think he is a weakling. He aint, comparable white skills in attack and i have 4 attackers who always have more than 200 in attack value at the start of each season. He is a manipulator who meets me regularly in tournaments. He has of course beaten me before but i usually have the upper hand

    Struggling with teams with Mutant players-69e0542b-af8a-4951-a614-ae755fd262ca.jpg

    So just to reassure you. It has nothing to do with special sponsor as i do not pay to game. Ever.
    Last edited by EastsiderSG; 11-07-2020 at 03:48 PM.

  8. #8
    Newbie Hanry Norris's Avatar
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    I could not agree more.
    I have a well-balanced team (just about ALL of my players between 93-105%). One or two Special Talents.
    And I do my fair share of winning (though I pamper my team for 2-3 hours a day. I know: get a life)
    Then i play an association game against a 98% team — sometimes WORSE than me in aggregate — but Absolutely unbeatable.
    He will have 4 attackers players with 230-260 average offensive percentage or (often: AND) 2-3 defenders at same levels.with the whole team having one or two special talents.
    I play ‘no striker’, 6-7 players back, and still lose 5-0.

    Not a rhetorical question: where do these mutants come from!
    And how much fun is it to beat a guy like me (who spends zero money, but spends time and effort)?
    I could rampage through my 7 year old daughter’s squad, scoring at will. But why would I???
    davewootton1964 likes this.

  9. #9
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    I would soon get bored of winning every single game without fail. But that’s just me I suppose.
    Maybe some people can’t take defeat or like to have bragging rights with their mates and therefore want to never taste defeat or to win every trophy every season.
    I play for fun but do take it seriously. It’s nice to win a trophy and more special when you work hard or get a bit of luck to win one.
    But, that’s just my view.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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