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Thread: Some very sinister occurrence of events towards end of season

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Some very sinister occurrence of events towards end of season

    As title. Since Christmas Day for 6 matchdays, my team has suffered from the following:

    1) Red card + PK conceded on 7th minute in the Cup final, and that is very first goal my GK conceded since joining in day 3 and playing all matches
    2) Main attacker missing a PK in 2 consecutive matches - 3* better at least
    3) 5 serious and 1 minor injury (80 reds spent in 5 matchdays for a level 2 club!)
    4) 1 of the serious injuries in Cup semi-final forced a substitution, who then received a yellow to get a ban for final - especially when a precaution to rest all yellow-carded players has already been taken

    It is very difficult to believe the engine is not trying every way possible to troll a result from every single angle
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    I was going to laugh at u together with the rest, but I realise I'm in my own sinister predicament! My top forward has been netting goals like nobody's business to seem certain to win the top scorer award with only a few games left, with the nearest competing striker more than 10 goals difference behind. Yet my top forward suddenly can't score a single goal for last three matches with the nearest competing striker suddenly now having a decent chance at overtaking.

    Sinister, to say the least.
    HeavensAAA likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    I was going to laugh at u together with the rest, but I realise I'm in my own sinister predicament! My top forward has been netting goals like nobody's business to seem certain to win the top scorer award with only a few games left, with the nearest competing striker more than 10 goals difference behind. Yet my top forward suddenly can't score a single goal for last three matches with the nearest competing striker suddenly now having a decent chance at overtaking.

    Sinister, to say the least.
    Feel for you there too!

    Well, if remaining league opponents are easily beatable, as illogical as it sounds, maybe bench both the 2nd & 3rd top scorers of your team. Let the engine pushes all goal-scoring chances to your top scorer and see how it turns out (and hopefully you could still use the task 4 & 7 gifts of special sponsor to try your luck onto 5 of 14 to see if it would drop for your top scorer [temporarily auctioning the other 14 to remove that 14/28 chances]).

    Best of luck for holding onto top scorer award!

  4. #4
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeavensAAA View Post
    As title. Since Christmas Day for 6 matchdays, my team has suffered from the following:

    1) Red card + PK conceded on 7th minute in the Cup final, and that is very first goal my GK conceded since joining in day 3 and playing all matches
    2) Main attacker missing a PK in 2 consecutive matches - 3* better at least
    3) 5 serious and 1 minor injury (80 reds spent in 5 matchdays for a level 2 club!)
    4) 1 of the serious injuries in Cup semi-final forced a substitution, who then received a yellow to get a ban for final - especially when a precaution to rest all yellow-carded players has already been taken

    It is very difficult to believe the engine is not trying every way possible to troll a result from every single angle
    Point 3 happens once every few seasons for me. Experienced point 4 before as well when i was trying to keep my winning streak going, these days i’d rather just play with 10 men rather than sub in the starter and risk suspension for finals. You know what they say about point 1, when u get a red, the victory is yours lol or so i am told. My PK taker had an off day and missed twice in a match before against a 2 star keeper.

    But I never experienced everything you mentioned within such a short timeframe. Suspicious!
    Last edited by Sillybq; 12-31-2020 at 05:45 PM.
    HeavensAAA likes this.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    Point 3 happens once every few seasons for me. Experienced point 4 before as well when i was trying to keep my winning streak going, these days i’d rather just play with 10 men rather than sub in the starter and risk suspension for finals. You know what they say about point 1, when u get a red, the victory is yours lol or so i am told. My PK taker had an off day and missed twice in a match before against a 2 star keeper.

    But I never experienced everything you mentioned within such a short timeframe. Suspicious!

    With PK and red card, I definitely couldn’t help thinking ‘come on. Not this match!?’ and surely cannot be so optimistic to assume ‘yeah! It’s my day’. Lol.

    Not surprised that any of those occurrences would happen once every few seasons with our share of good and bad luck, but all happening at the same time in several days is just...well...owing my team with similarly good luck next season. Haha!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    lets laugh together since mad will not help you lol

    i had mine too
    - my players,best players always injured even in FM
    - my team perform well but defeated, game rating was ok, my players rate 7-8 but my keeper rate was 6,shot on goal was mine,pass was mine but then the only thing that stop me in this season is.... opponent GK, even in UCL final, his MoM players rating even same as my attacker rating 8, twice already i defeated in this season with a weird way, and both of them are UCL match

    and funny thing, AM said "they perform better" , not they but their GK only, one man army, even my ST rate far more better than his ST. mine 8 him 5, just imagine lol

  7. #7
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    I was going to laugh at u together with the rest, but I realise I'm in my own sinister predicament! My top forward has been netting goals like nobody's business to seem certain to win the top scorer award with only a few games left, with the nearest competing striker more than 10 goals difference behind. Yet my top forward suddenly can't score a single goal for last three matches with the nearest competing striker suddenly now having a decent chance at overtaking.

    Sinister, to say the least.
    That’s happened to me too. Now my 2nd top scorer has overtaken him despite being 12 goals behind 10 games ago.

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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by redsnoopy View Post
    I was going to laugh at u together with the rest, but I realise I'm in my own sinister predicament! My top forward has been netting goals like nobody's business to seem certain to win the top scorer award with only a few games left, with the nearest competing striker more than 10 goals difference behind. Yet my top forward suddenly can't score a single goal for last three matches with the nearest competing striker suddenly now having a decent chance at overtaking.

    Sinister, to say the least.
    I have a striker that wins the top scorer award every season. Simply put, he’s the best player I’ve ever had and he’ll be irreplaceable when it’s time to hang up his boots. He always goes through a spell mid/late season when he can’t find the net, but always ends up finishing the season strong - he broke his recent barren spell by scoring 7 times in a match.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    I can also share my experience end of last season.
    I have two 9 star players (AML and ST).
    My ST got a direct Red card on the 2nd leg semi final of the Cup. I reached the final and lost without my ST.
    My AML got a yellow card on the 2nd leg semi final of the Champions League (62minutes). I reached the final and lost without my AML.

    Suspicious? 🤔🤔