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Thread: Champions league game engine overkill and fixed result

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2021

    Champions league game engine overkill and fixed result

    Yesterday after 15 months of trying i finally reached another CL final unfortunately i came up against my levels best team or should i say a player who spends enormous amounts of real money to keep his side at top level all fine and dandy if thats what he wants to do
    his side 150% me 125%
    I was never expecting to win although i did notice last seasons final which that manager played in he did get beaten by a similar strength team to mine
    and as normal the game did its best to put spanners in the works by injuring players/yellow/red carding players before finals infact his best player was red carded in semi-final 1st leg so missed 2nd leg and final also his best striker was injured in 2nd leg but obviously he had the resources to heal that player. for my part i had my best player on yellow card so rested him for second leg of semi-final as i knew the game engine would do its best to injure/second yellow or red card him
    i also had a player injured in league game before the final but was able to heal him
    come the CL final not expecting a win but at least put on a good show but oh no game engine has other ideas right from the kick off i sensed the engine was up to its old tricks 0-0 after 20 mins i quickly checked stats and low and behold 3 of my players had yellow cards ?????? never once mentioned in the game commentary( i did watch the game unlike my opposition manager) who also had morinio support and it became worse 2 of the yellow were my best players and my best player was at 5.8 in game ratings ???? which is game engine code your gonna loose and hes going to be injured by the end of first half its 2-0 to oppo manager and thoughts of win are sunk for me 2nd half my team got completely slaughtered made worse by game engine and you guessed it best player red carded suddenly without any commentary saying anything and a 2nd player red carded and yes its my 2nd best player wowoa 7-0 defeat
    my question is this for you forum guys
    Did the game engine really really need to go over the top to help this manager win this final especially when you consider how much stronger his team was?
    i'm not against loosing in a fair way but clearly the game engine had long since decided who was going to win this game

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Unfortunately everything that you have said there rings true. Especially the bit where your player ratings are below 6 and your best player is having a stinker. This is where you have to try and manipulate the game code to swing things back but usually in vain. More often than not, the stronger team is destined to win especially if they have a record of comebacks or the Manager is absent. Indeed, it has happened to me but as a positive. I was top all season and 2-0 and 3-1 down against a mid-table opponent but my best player was on something like 8.6 rating and as I began the comeback, it increased. I won 5-3 and he got a 10. Those ratings are a good indicator of whether you are destined to win or not.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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  3. #3
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    i have often found the game engine will freeze if i do a sub that perhaps the game AI didn't expect to me its recalculating how to change the result i once did a GK sub and it froze for 3 to 4 mins in real time i thought it had crashed but no when it restarted the oppo side didnt even resemble the same one i was playing against just a few mins before passing with ease and then went on and scored 4 goals to win the game although the match had no meaning in the context of league i was just experimenting to see what would happen it was a shock just to see the game engine freeze in such a way and come back like it did

  4. #4
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    Jun 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by dave1311 View Post
    Unfortunately everything that you have said there rings true. Especially the bit where your player ratings are below 6 and your best player is having a stinker. This is where you have to try and manipulate the game code to swing things back but usually in vain. More often than not, the stronger team is destined to win especially if they have a record of comebacks or the Manager is absent. Indeed, it has happened to me but as a positive. I was top all season and 2-0 and 3-1 down against a mid-table opponent but my best player was on something like 8.6 rating and as I began the comeback, it increased. I won 5-3 and he got a 10. Those ratings are a good indicator of whether you are destined to win or not.
    Dave - if you see one of your players (usually DC or GK) with a rating of below 6, do you sub him immediately or see if he improves? In my view, if you field a sub, they perform just as badly which I’ve noted with my current GK who has been pure diarrhoea this season - I sub him only to find my reserve keeper also turns in a performance of mind-numbing ineptitude.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen Cained View Post
    Dave - if you see one of your players (usually DC or GK) with a rating of below 6, do you sub him immediately or see if he improves? In my view, if you field a sub, they perform just as badly which I’ve noted with my current GK who has been pure diarrhoea this season - I sub him only to find my reserve keeper also turns in a performance of mind-numbing ineptitude.
    i never normally sub any of the defence EVER unless of injury usually i sub ONLY in the last 15 mins of match time and then only using ST or AML/R

  6. #6
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Citizen Cained View Post
    Dave - if you see one of your players (usually DC or GK) with a rating of below 6, do you sub him immediately or see if he improves? In my view, if you field a sub, they perform just as badly which I’ve noted with my current GK who has been pure diarrhoea this season - I sub him only to find my reserve keeper also turns in a performance of mind-numbing ineptitude.
    Hi buddy. I never sub a GK, even if he gets injured. Makes no difference from what I've seen. With defenders, if one is having a nightmare, you will often see it's because the opposition attacking player he's up against is having a blinder. First I will try another defender swapping position with him but if I think he is dragging my team down, I'll sub him. But you're right, the sub usually performs as badly because it seems that particular position is dominated by the opposing attacker.
    Der_Ryan_M likes this.
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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