The daily gift itself is not so important as we should get them. The impact of returned support could be way more significant.
In reality, a lot of managers who want to win all trophies, hence matches, would aim to add as many very active and mutually supportive friends as possible. The ideal world is all our matches would have the maximum 15% bonus by outnumbering the opposition manager by some 10+ supporters on our side from the list of 100+ friends.
As there are no in-game chat functions other than associations, it is a matter of unspoken trust with these in-game randomly-added friends that we nearly always try to attend most matches of each other when possible, and nearly always support each other in all semis and finals. We always try to support as many as possible and see how much favour is returned. It is fairly easy to identify these active friends as they are often around.
Personally, tankers would not be added as they typically are absent. Any who failed to support at least 2 matches per week would be deleted promptly. After some time, that 100 or so friends would become like an allied army who tend to ‘match’ together. Opponents would feel wtf with those 10-20 friends at a time but we could earn those bonus with our own support.