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Thread: Does he worth to be Boosted

  1. #1
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Does he worth to be Boosted

    Does he worth to be Boosted-4815ba2c-aeba-4638-8d72-535fd4e1adfb.jpg

    Great FT1. Should I escalate him to 120% next season? If I would do, how many greens would it require? Is GK position deemed to be a key position in the given algorithm? Hence it was not back then. Although I read it was sometime ago. I know DMC and AM positions are the most score-determining ones.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    I reckon about 400 Greens to get him to 120%. Double that to 8/9* but others might be able to give a more accurate figure.
    I am cooking a GK in Youth Academy at the moment. He is on 120% already so I plan to get him up to at least 8* and take it from there. Only because I cannot be arsed to power train a 3*. Yes the Greys will be higher but it’s a GK, not an AML/AMR.
    Vuslanot likes this.
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  3. #3
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    I will buy 500 golds for all season and no more. They are too expensive currently due to the Euro’s value against Lira.

  4. #4
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Does he worth to be Boosted-c962273f-6664-471c-88f0-d80533b3425d.jpg

    Going to boost this guy instead. Nonetheless, this GK deserves to be a 5* the least.

  5. #5
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Does he worth to be Boosted-068410c0-e0a3-4788-9818-258c4f589800.jpg

    Once you are pushing the threshold of 40% per attribute, it becomes pretty easier to push up.

    About 200 greens until this position. Will continue tomorrow, hence it gets slower after you reach the daily training threshold.
    Last edited by Vuslanot; 03-28-2021 at 01:57 PM.

  6. #6
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Antarctica, with penguins and seals.
    Does he worth to be Boosted-0d41c446-73a1-4325-bd52-da7f24940f1c.jpg

    Atl least, say, 150 more.

  7. #7
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Antarctica, with penguins and seals.
    Does he worth to be Boosted-631536d1-534c-4105-9b42-58114dce15db.jpg

    Continue after getting the AMC as well, hence it will be more easier to attain the heading skill.

  8. #8
    Dreamer Vuslanot's Avatar
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    Antarctica, with penguins and seals.
    Does he worth to be Boosted-e8258018-f7fd-4013-b3ac-c4bbe8a8da9c.jpg

    368 Tokens = 408 Greens for from 89% to 118%. As mentioned above, after you excess the 50% threshold per attribute it becomes easier hence the high skills improve slower.

    Finally, our Los Galacticos project has been completed. I will use all the rewards on Sívori, then it’s all done.