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Thread: Strategy in Top Eleven

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Strategy in Top Eleven

    What happened to the strategy in top eleven? Random results...from game to to team. The Premier league has never been this RANDOM! Training...What for?....To get results on the pitch!...Tangible data to see how your team is progressing. It is as clear as MUD!!! In 2 short seasons this game has turned from a great game I can tell my friends about...too wanting to Delete everything on my phone related to T11. There are other Footballer apps that I have played. At least you can see the difference that strategy make!!!

    Sent from my SM-G965W using Tapatalk
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Sent from my SM-G965W using Tapatalk
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by rebeccasguy View Post
    What happened to the strategy in top eleven? Random results...from game to to team. The Premier league has never been this RANDOM! Training...What for?....To get results on the pitch!...Tangible data to see how your team is progressing. It is as clear as MUD!!! In 2 short seasons this game has turned from a great game I can tell my friends about...too wanting to Delete everything on my phone related to T11. There are other Footballer apps that I have played. At least you can see the difference that strategy make!!!

    Sent from my SM-G965W using Tapatalk
    What Footballer apps are you tallking about, where you can see tacttics work or not??

  4. #4
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by rebeccasguy View Post
    What happened to the strategy in top eleven? Random results...from game to to team. The Premier league has never been this RANDOM! Training...What for?....To get results on the pitch!...Tangible data to see how your team is progressing. It is as clear as MUD!!! In 2 short seasons this game has turned from a great game I can tell my friends about...too wanting to Delete everything on my phone related to T11. There are other Footballer apps that I have played. At least you can see the difference that strategy make!!!

    Sent from my SM-G965W using Tapatalk
    Hey there,

    Maybe you could instead share more detailed thoughts so we can actually help you or address the issue to the developers?
    What would you change and how? Constructive feedback is always much more appreciated & helpful than ranting.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Enjoy events, tactics what? - nordeus motto

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2021
    Honestly, there are tactics in this game, but I hate how much is guessing and trial + error with minimum feedback on how the tactics are working. There are ways to tell, but you need to just happen to know what to look for and how to react since there is no guidance on that. Also true is that I built my strategies based on when the assistant would give 4 comments instead of 2 obvious duh remarks. The 4 comment assistant feedback gave a little more insight on the game even though it wasn't often obvious how it tied back to preparation. Right now with a 2 comment system, how are new managers supposed to know what they did wrong? How are we now supposed to know why the statistics came out to what they are? I do understand that the 2 comment system is more intuitive to newcomers, but it leaves out a lot of critical information for more experienced players that had learned how to "read between the lines" of what the assistant was saying. The tactical obscurity leaves new managers in the dark anyways.

    Very recent example. I lost my Super League to a +17% team with a 1-2 loss at home and loosing 1-0 away. Did it just come down to individual quality or was there something I could have done to give a little more edge? Obviously he was a much stronger team, but maybe a tip like "we need to be more aggressive on the ball" or "xxx defender was tough to get past" or something like that that tells something more about the game engine and why the statistics came out as they did.
    JohnnyEye likes this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Tactics is the only section which wasn't improved since the beginning of the game. Anyway this game is made about reactives of your actions, you are changing your orders or and players placement till it goes your way. Logic doesnt matter.
    Assistant feedback's are are so useless nowdays. It only says that you had lower morale or your training is poorer. I would like to fire that assistant .

  8. #8
    Moderator milpol's Avatar
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    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by tomu741 View Post
    Tactics is the only section which wasn't improved since the beginning of the game. Anyway this game is made about reactives of your actions, you are changing your orders or and players placement till it goes your way. Logic doesnt matter.
    Assistant feedback's are are so useless nowdays. It only says that you had lower morale or your training is poorer. I would like to fire that assistant .
    You are not wrong
    JohnnyEye likes this.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Just let it go, play casual, dont over-thinking about this game, its no use. everybody already knew some games was a set-up, just set your best formation and go. if you think something wrong, change it, if you think nothing wrong stay with it, like some games made just to screw your set-up, because you will think your set-up is bad
    Last edited by Flow; 08-13-2021 at 03:31 PM.
    JohnnyEye likes this.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by rebeccasguy View Post
    What happened to the strategy in top eleven? Random results...from game to to team. The Premier league has never been this RANDOM! Training...What for?....To get results on the pitch!...Tangible data to see how your team is progressing. It is as clear as MUD!!! In 2 short seasons this game has turned from a great game I can tell my friends about...too wanting to Delete everything on my phone related to T11. There are other Footballer apps that I have played. At least you can see the difference that strategy make!!!

    Sent from my SM-G965W using Tapatalk
    hmmm there must be some strategy involved, if not, how come i have won 7 quadruples back to back in the past 7 seasons ? hmmm ? tomorrow i am aiming for 8 in a row and the 18th quadruple in my history (level 31). and before you say anything i don't spend money or invest in the game in any financial way. only with tokens i gain and greenpacks i save to train players properly.
    instead of blaming the game because you don't win much, how about coming on the forum more often and learn from experienced managers. much better than ranting and raving and throwing your toys out of the pram
    Level 32


    League Titles 25
    Champions Lge 20
    Cup Winners 19
    Super Cups 20

    Last 7 seasons 7 quadruples on the trot !

    Top Scorer SPEEDYFOOKER 1517 Goals / 780 Games

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