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Thread: Resting System...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Misleading resting system?

    I saw on the FAQ of the game that the players really rest only on daily maintaince so it doesnt matter if you have 2 games after each other or after 5 hours the same day.
    is it true?

    and if so, how exactly does it works?
    does the condition your players had during daily maintence is the condition used the whole next day, or does it calculates the condition your player will gain untill your next scheduled match?
    and what happens if I use a rest pack? does it affects the next game or only the condition after the daily maintence?

    anyway, it's misleading and annoying.
    to think of all the rest packs i wasted on fixing players after the first game and before the next game when it doesnt matter 'cause i had the same condition for both matches and the condition was going to be 100% untill the daily maintence anyway...
    Last edited by Dolev Ephraim; 12-16-2012 at 06:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Apprentice Smoggie's Avatar
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    All you need to do is to put your players in the rest* mode until they reach 100% condition it can be done anytime.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Try to save rest pack and to use them before important matches.
    Also improve the sports hall! You will receive more often the rest pack.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    well thx guys, but have you even read my question?

    smoggie- putting them to rest doesn't make them rest. they gain 5% condition every 3 hours no matter what intensity you chose. if you will put them to rest they will simply won't participate in the trains.

    forestry- you will get rest pack for every game you played and did substitue. you will also gain them from the training facilities, max of one rest by gift for day, or in exchange of expensive tokens. i am well aware to that.
    saving them for when in real need is obvious, the question is will they do something if i use them right before the game or only if i use them before the daily maintaince.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Then small advise. Buy 22 players identical on force, skills and special ability and change each match. One structure plays, the second has a rest. And vice versa.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by forestry View Post
    Then small advise. Buy 22 players identical on force, skills and special ability and change each match. One structure plays, the second has a rest. And vice versa.
    i know my english pretty bad. but is it that bad?
    i didn't asked for advices on how to keep my team in good shape for the matches, i have asked if someone happens to know whether the player actually rests every 3 hours, or only in the daily maintaince.
    and if it's true that the condition is being calculated and decided in the daily maintaince, how is it being calculated.

  7. #7
    Famous Accyrover's Avatar
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    it's a good question and in truth one that no one on here has answered with a factual answer, they are all answers from their own experiences.
    From my own I have played around with the rest system all last season, putting players in rest mode is only beneficial when you don't want a certain number of players to perform one of the three training mode.
    Putting them in rest for 3-4 hours in between or even overnight has no condition gain what so ever.
    As you say Nordeus say you need not rest them as they get rested during maintenance, I'm at a loss as to what they mean, I selected 10 players at random over 7 nights duration noted all their condition and also the other 12, all had exactly the same gain the following morning.
    Like most things on this game their explanations of rules and guidelines, are shall we say vague. Or just bollox, which ever you prefer.
    Dolev Ephraim likes this.
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  8. #8
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    i also tried to play a bit with the rest packs. i tried to see if giving rest packs to exhahusted players before the game do change how they form. but it's really hard to tell how the players would have done without them. however i've noticed that player that were in low fatigue and were given the rest packs did worse in ratings than players that have been in good condition from the start.
    but it was more of a slight than a clear trend.

    It surprised me, but i'm beginnig to think that the player's condition value during maintaince is the acctual value to be used by the match engine.

  9. #9
    Famous Accyrover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dolev Ephraim View Post
    i also tried to play a bit with the rest packs. i tried to see if giving rest packs to exhahusted players before the game do change how they form. but it's really hard to tell how the players would have done without them. however i've noticed that player that were in low fatigue and were given the rest packs did worse in ratings than players that have been in good condition from the start.
    but it was more of a slight than a clear trend.

    It surprised me, but i'm beginnig to think that the player's condition value during maintaince is the acctual value to be used by the match engine.
    "It surprised me, but i'm beginnig to think that the player's condition value during maintaince is the acctual value to be used by the match engine"

    I don't think so myself.
    The game engine stops you making changes 3min before you KO, IMO this is when the engine does all the updates for the game, players, formation, condition, morale and training during that day.
    The only true answer I can give is regarding morale, I had a problem last season with three players.
    I can't go into details as you are not allowed to discuss answers given directly to a question by support, all I think I can say is do not give any form of packs just before training.
    Wether this also applies to rest packs I do not know.
    I'm also guessing that giving medic packs straight after an injury is also bad news, I did it once last season and the player was injured in the very next game.
    On three occasions I waited until after the next maintenance shut down, then gave the packs the next morning no problems at all with those.
    Seems to me that once the game engine logs an injury in the game or even a yellow card let it be or it injures the replacement, several times last season I subbed booked players to save them from bans, only for the sub to get booked within minutes of coming on in the same position.

    So IMO anything that happens during the games, don't try to fix it until the next day.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    wrong they do restore more/faster when they're in rest mode than being in normal or hard mode,back when i first playing this game i did have the same problem with u,back then my players were always in normal mode and it turn out they restored with really slow rate compare to when they are in the rest mode,u can check it your self.Also they do indeed restore each 3h.My players always have more than 70% condition,and i'm rarely use the rest pack (have 88 pack at the moment),only use it when the injury streak happen

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