Has to be a malfunction. They will get it fixed.
It's not a malfunction it's the way he positioned his players in their box.
His RB is positioned slightly up moving him to a wingback position in the same zone with the DMC, making the formation 3-2-...
His 2 MC's or AMC's make it 3-2-2...
Finally his AML and AMR are pushed upwards in their box moving them to the striker zone thereby making the formation
But how might it affect the match?
(Rhetorical question, since it’s basically a pre match coin flip predetermined result, regardless of formation, training, strategy, etc.)
It used to affect the behaviour of players in the old 2d animation. Back then I noticed that my wingers do less crossing when I move them to the edge of their box just on the line that borders the AMC box and the AML/AMR box. The animation will show them centralised anytime I did this.