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Thread: Group Server

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Group Server

    When is the server grouping, my team (135%) is at level 107 which is the top of the server. There are 2 groups, mine with 9 teams between 160% and 191% and 5 teams around 135%. Needless to say, we have no chance of winning anything. The other group includes 11 teams between 130% and 120% and 3 bots at 34%.
    There shouldn't be a climb this season, so next season bis repetita, we'll still be doing extras.
    Therefore I ask that Nordeus groups together servers to already avoid its huge inequalities between the teams and also avoid seasons without climbs which only increases the level difference.
    So I don't buy anything anymore (ex: special sponsor) because it's of no use to me, except to throw money away.
    I hope to be heard, otherwise I would have to leave my team for several seasons to find a championship at the correct level.

  2. #2
    Moderator dave1311's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
    Northallerton, United Kingdom
    I totally agree with this and I have included this suggestion on my monthly report to Nordeus. It is something that has been suggested many times by me and others. There was a server mix-up around 4 years ago and it was great for a while but we are now at the point where another is needed. I too am Level 107 and it's the same teams every season. I am usually around the 130% mark but I have not had a sniff of the League for about a year now. In the level 90's I won 10 in a row!
    ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
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