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Thread: Free Kicks are TOO OP!

  1. #1
    Rookie Petrov2g's Avatar
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    Oct 2016

    Free Kicks are TOO OP!

    Hello everyone!

    Just wanted to share my opinion on Free Kicks in the game. I think they are VERY overpowered. In the past week, I had 13 Free Kicks from different positions, some where close some were very far away. My player is 165% with FKS, and he scored 11 of 13 FK from different positions. I had one free kick where my ST scored from very unrealistic position. Yes, I know some people will say, but he is 165% with FKS and he needs to score them. Yes I agree, he needs to score FK, but not every FK I get is a goal. I rather have FK, than penalty, where I have more chances of scoring through FK than PK. I would really enjoy in future updates to see players from FK to cross the ball into the box. Same goes to the opponents I face, I have two defenders with SA "Defensive Wall" who are tall both, and still the opponents FK takers can just score over them, they never made a single block. Thats my opinion on FK so far.

    Is there anyone else who thinks the same as me?
    Admin at Top Eleven United | TE Youtuber | Liverpool FC

  2. #2
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    it depends on your opponent too. if you facing weak opponent it's like 100% FK (almost).
    but if you face tougher opponent chances are your FK got saved or your FK and any other shots your player did are all not on target (just like how you fared against last boss of asso event or ultimate asso)

  3. #3
    Famous Sillybq's Avatar
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    I believe defensive wall matters and make sure i keep someone with that ability. Am sure it’s factored into our final simulated score, probably just lacking 3D animation. Hopefully they are working on it, it’s a popular request here.

  4. #4
    Rookie Petrov2g's Avatar
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    Was playing against a guy with over 26% more than me, I got 2FK scored both of them and the 2nd was from very very far away.
    Admin at Top Eleven United | TE Youtuber | Liverpool FC

  5. #5
    Pro jarharnamme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sillybq View Post
    I believe defensive wall matters and make sure i keep someone with that ability. Am sure it’s factored into our final simulated score, probably just lacking 3D animation. Hopefully they are working on it, it’s a popular request here.
    eh doesnt matter. i have wall & header specialist, my team still leaking freekick tho

    Quote Originally Posted by Petrov2g View Post
    Was playing against a guy with over 26% more than me, I got 2FK scored both of them and the 2nd was from very very far away.
    maybe the guy who are 26% over you have terrible white skill distribution so it's easier to score against him. i have hard time to score FK on ultimate asso.