Thanks for addressing this issue!
Thank you nordeus for the compensation...
I'm not defending anyone. I tried to explain how to play this game by their rules. I can say i have first hand experience of their game calendar. So i know the spot times to use/claim those things which often makes me better manager than the others who play this game with some unwise actions. If you don't think twice, you won't survive anywhere you did it.
About playstyles, i don't agree with you either. PS are not working well in 3d view. If you don't urgently need to level a player up. First Let him earn his free PS points during the season progress and then boost him from hot shots menu as late as possible. I always boost my players at the end of season. A pro manager should never have wasted club resources for any reason.
you're wrong. nodeus & top11 recognize they make a huge mistake here hence why they compensate everyone who already have use their playstyles points. because everytime they giveout this task it's when the hotshot are also live at the same time not few days later.
but if you save SA/new role then i also do the same. now this is common because nodeus top11 always or sometimes do give this on the last day of season and yes you can hold this SA/new role in subs player but regarding PS it's better to levelup as soon as possible.
nodeus wouldve been stupid if they make new feature and didnt let this feature be a staple or something good to people who're using it.
you probably never have been pair against 13teams with 11masterPS in their league. lucky you and trust me the difference is so big it would've surprised you.
Last edited by jarharnamme; 11-23-2022 at 05:08 PM.
I'm sorry but you're completely wrong Raiko. As a manager you should improve your players as soon as possible, and as fast as possible in order to win. You can not wait for a task that, in fact, you don't know if it will appear or not. The same problem happens again today with the Future Star Developer, I have already developed a Youth Academy player with a special ability and a playstile potential. Because coaches in youth academy appear when appear and you can not wait for a task that maybe will no appear.
ofcourse i know bout the SA/role player.
i know how to complete task quickly, using as little token as possible.
the thing is you know the task where they put countdown same as when new event come.
yeah that task usually is save for frenzy or hotshot or some other event.
today that task was somehow given as win 1 frenly association match for 20pts.
which clearly they fuked up hence why they give everyone who already spend their playstyles points, 70 task points
since you want to show your "better quality management" here's mine
Last edited by jarharnamme; 11-26-2022 at 11:03 AM.