What playstyle is better for scoring goals false nine or target man??
What playstyle is better for scoring goals false nine or target man??
Hey, in theory, it should be the target mean, but it's much more complicated than this
In theory, false 9 is mobile striker who drags out opponent defenders and usually assists more.
Target man is a nimble striker who plays with his back, hold a play and stays in the penalty box. Footballers usually looking for passes for him.
However, in this game those playstyles are just illusion, so better look for good finishing, shooting stats
It doesn't matter. Playstyles don't work like what you think in 3d view.
I too have no faith in Playstyles and instead prefer to concentrate on SA and attacking skills.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
4 Super League/Gold Cup
12 Cup
1 Super Cup
Top Eleven Forum Moderator
yes targetman is better for scoring goal, false9 i give to my ST/AMC but in the end your ST is only as good as the highest number of white % of important skill for ST.
i mean if you have these 2PS in the same team and both have same % but false9 have higher finish, shooting compare to targetman pretty sure the false9 will score more than targetman
this is quite shocking coming from forum moderator who have join this forum since 2014, and probably have play top11 longer than that.
i'm stuck at max lvl on my server, i have higher AvQ team with high white skill compared to other whale wallet in the league but those guys easily beaten me because they have 11 masterPS in their team.
but if we fight in the association i wouldnt be surprised if i come on top of them.
but in league, cup and CL i just cant beat them, need to have 11 masterPS too in order to beat them in those competitions
Last edited by jarharnamme; 01-13-2023 at 06:31 AM.