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  • 1 Post By SuperDunk

Thread: Death of Official Items in store

  1. #1
    Champion SuperDunk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Death of Official Items in store

    Death of Official Items in store-imgtop.jpg

    Does this mean we will never see any more official items in the store in the near or distant future?
    To be honest i would really like to see Barcelona and Milan back in the store again and i would gladly pay 30 euros for a set that can be traded the equivalent in my country, rather than pay 150 euros on a permanent set that can't be traded.
    I think many people would like to see those official items in the STORE again, but with this image i don t see how they will bring them back...
    Last edited by SuperDunk; 01-31-2023 at 01:46 AM.
    sinantutus likes this.
    I m still around, LOL!