i received the special sponsor award, a dmc. Why, every time I get a player and say '5 to 7 stars', does the player come with 5 stars? Never a 7-star player.
with you happens the same?
i received the special sponsor award, a dmc. Why, every time I get a player and say '5 to 7 stars', does the player come with 5 stars? Never a 7-star player.
with you happens the same?
Nordeus thinks we are stupid, and they should do better.
I got one this season from whatever event finished last week and I got a 22 yr old DR, 5 stars also, with penalty kick specialist special ability. Pointless.
Last edited by Julandron; 02-16-2023 at 09:06 PM.
i have a penalty shootout specialist and he missed 3 penalties this season. Specialist? Haha
Yes the players gained from Special Sponsor tend to not be the best players that you will ever have. I usually discard them fairly quickly.
ROMANBY VILLAGE FC (founded December 24th 2013)
Level 131
50 League
8 Champions/Elite League
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12 Cup
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