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  • 1 Post By gareppo316

Thread: Live match simulation accuracy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Live match simulation accuracy

    I started playing this game one week ago and I'm wondering whether or not the live match simulation is relevant to how the engine actually simulates the matches. The players make a lot of very weird passes and the overall players' positioning and movement (specially in back 3 formations) doesn't seem very realistic.

    Is it just a fancy visual thing totally irrelevant to the game's engine or should I set my tactics based on the live match simulation?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    Live match is relevant but i only base this on the stats the actual in game footage is very random at times.

    I check the stats and if my opponent is dominating shots etc then i switch mentality and see if that makes any difference.

    I will always set my team up to nullify my opponent as best i can, always try to have one more defender than his attacking players.

    Play around with different mentalities, for me attacking mentality is working very well this season and against superior (GOD teams) i find hard attacking works really well.
    I dont think playing defensive has many advantages within the match engine this season.
    In the past defensive was very OP, but for me attacking works best.
    Beatitudine likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    you started playing a week ago? Good luck my friend, you will see a lot of stuff you will not like in this game, a lot, to the point that I am getting fed up with it. It's a very unfair game and if you aren't willing to spend real money you will be more disappointed than not. Good luck.