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Thread: Boost lab prices

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Boost lab prices

    Hi, i want to Ask, what are prices of each level of boost lab? Specially on higher levels. Let me know if anyone know. Thanks on advance✌️

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    Much bigger than they should be for the crap you get when you pay
    MARCO CAIA likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Do not waste too much money on this game. It will get you addicted, it becomes like gambling after a while and they will keep increasing their prices like in the player academy training, they started off at 4.99 then they went up to 6.99 now they charge 9.99. can you imagine? To boost one player ten dollars. This game is highway robbery. Just get the premium special sponsor for 4.99 and get the monthly token card for 4.99 and the first boost pay for 4.99 do not waste money other than that remember every time you promote your team loses 20% so in order to get the team to maintain a competitive percentage in every league you promote you would need to spend an inordinate amount of money every month. You would need a part-time job just to afford to play at high competitive levels. Just resign yourself now to just get by and do the best you can with those three and all other free resources. Another piece of advice, if and when you play the games in the free token categories be aware that they will try to rip you off constantly by not always paying up. You will go through hoops to get the tokens especially when you are supposed to get a lot of them they will not pay up and you will have to go through support and then you will wait weeks to get them and half the time they do not want to pay even that is a half scam mostly because you will be wasting a lot of time playing those games to get free tokens. In the end, the bottom line is this you either spend a lot of real money or waste an inordinate amount of time to try and get free tokens. Either way good luck, I am just saying this to save you a lot of money, time, and disappointments down the road.
    You are better off every two seasons tank the team and do not promote you will not lose the 20% and you will end up in a better league where you will be able to compete better. Remember though every promotion will cost you 20% of your team quality. whatever money you spend this season add 20% to your expense because that is how much it will cost you next season. I spent a lot of money last season like a fool, I ran an experiment, and the best I did was I arrived second in the league went to two finals in the Cup and Super League, and lost both, one against a weaker team and the other against a team only 2% better than mine. IT IS ALL PREDETERMINED BY THEM, YOU SPEND AND THEY DECIDE EVERY SEASON HOW FAR YOU WILL GET, DO YOU THINK THAT IS FAIR? I still do not know why I am still playing this game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    Absolutely correct. I've played over 10yrs and you are spot on.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Boost lab and hot shots are a waste of time, just take the 1st free thing and forget about it. Do not pay money for these events. With draw frenzy, if I can get 5 tokens after round 5 I cash out, will not use tokens to get nothing more.
    vinim likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    Do not waste too much money on this game……. I still do not know why I am still playing this game.
    But you are still spending $25 a month you mentioned in another of your lengthy posts/responses.

    You also should not waste your time with all these long posts complaining and suggestions to Nordeus LOL. Nordeus does not listen, they don’t care. It has been the same for the 7 years i have been playing (and longer).
    I do not spend a penny. I don’t give these thieves any money.