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Thread: Calling Organiser re Negotiations

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Calling Organiser re Negotiations

    Dear Organiser,

    Success rate for Negotiation will be better if higher level teams are available in Negotiation table.

    Eg: I am able to sell a few players cos lower lvl teams bid for my players (I am in Lvl 9 now)
    However I am not successful in bidding for players cos those available are also in Lvl 9.

    The simple principle is this: Fringe players that you r ready to offload are "gems" to players in lower lvls. So a bid
    of 2 or more tokens will seal the deal.

    So I should be scouting ard Lvl 10 or 11 teams for fringe players. But NONE are available in my Nego table!!
    Season 14 - Level 14

    League Champions: Season 3/4/7/8/10/11
    Cup Winners: Season 3/4/6/9/10
    Champions League Winners: Season 2/4/6

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Negotiations should be scrapped, they aren't working at all. I don't know anyone who's successfully bought a player. They're just a massive waste of time.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonny Rimes View Post
    Negotiations should be scrapped, they aren't working at all. I don't know anyone who's successfully bought a player. They're just a massive waste of time.
    I did sell abt 3 players to lvl 6/ 7 teams. Cos those are the players I intend to offload.
    When somebody comes along and offer 2 or more tokens, I am more than glad to sell/
    Season 14 - Level 14

    League Champions: Season 3/4/7/8/10/11
    Cup Winners: Season 3/4/6/9/10
    Champions League Winners: Season 2/4/6

  4. #4
    Dreamer meis's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    this Negotiations thing is rubbish... just another fine way to rob the poor and benefits Nordeus