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No way, but they could care less. As long as they have brainless people like this one who have to spend an inordinate amount of money why should they care? They are making money, this poor soul gets his rocks off by crushing everyone simply because he is spending more money than others and we have to complain and suffer unfairness but why should they change anything? Did you see the uselessness of this last event? This football camp fusion? another money-making scheme for them and a very unclear as to how it works. Everything they produce gives little compared to how much one has to spend. God forbid they ought to give us totally free ways of getting rewards. Scrooges at best, throw us crumbs all the time and we are there like dogs waiting for the scraps to fall from the fat-rich masters' table. It's our fault actually because we do not seem to have the resolve to just quit this crappy game, perhaps we are simply delusional thinking one day they will make the necessary changes to make the game fairer. I have a plan for the next few months, I'm going not play in a regular fashion. I will play with all my lower % players put my better players in reserve and then get my usual things, monthly cards, special sponsor, and train, all as if I was going to do regularly. then I will let my players go down to poor morale so that I will end up losing most of my games. Arriving in the last 4 I will not lose 20% but my players will keep gaining through training and time, Maybe this way I can keep this up for 2 seasons I should come out with a pretty strong team and get into leagues and competitions where I will be able to at least compete. These people are not going to do anything to improve the game for all in a real and substantial way. We need to find ways to circumvent their spending pressure