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Thread: Delusional profits only exist in plans

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Probably because you cant compete at the highest level without spending money?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by tomu741 View Post
    Probably because you cant compete at the highest level without spending money?
    The highest level is, by definition, only for a few players.
    As Staggy says (and he's been playing for about the same length of time as I have, and doing it for free), you learn to find a level you can compete at.
    I'll qualify that with after about level 80 I've probably only won about 6 or 7 trophies, compared to the 100 or so up until then, but I'm up against almost 100% pay to play opponents.
    I've got a level 17 team which is actually a lot more fun, even though I can't get videos I can still use Youth Academy players straight into the first team as it's around 80%, I'll meet players who've spend a couple of $$ but nothing like the hundreds of $$ a season you find higher up.

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