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Thread: Its incredible just never ends

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    Its incredible just never ends

    Its incredible just never ends-screenshot_20240219_184721_top-eleven.jpg

    Better pairings? What a joke, it's useless to even play this game

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2023
    you put together a balanced team, get it right, good tactics, train hard to lose the championship to a team of 'zidanes and pavones'. In real life, if you have Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo in the same team, but have a worse version of Maguire in defense, you will end up losing to more balanced teams. Not in Top Eleven, the guy punches tokens to generate half a dozen monsters, tops it off with some rubbish and always wins.Its incredible just never ends-aaa.jpg

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    The game is a joke. I see teams like this all the time now. +200% players and then 3 DC with 1%. What's funny is watching these 1% DC sprint and tackle a 175%.

    Just waiting for MARCOS to write an inspirational farewell post and I'm outta here.
    vinim likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2021
    There is nothing wrong with this draw.
    Your opponent is only 15% above you.
    Easily beatable with proper training and tactics.

    Do you complain when facing an opponent of 113%?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Totally agree Kenny, sick of people whinging on because they can't win every game or someone out plays them. I prefer the challenge and embrace it. It's fun and not life threatening, just enjoy the game for what it is. Some people take it very seriously, accept it and move on.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    I am on 118 with my top team - was in a league full off 200+ guys last season. Managed to finish ninth. Got a good draw this season though, think I have the highest rated team, but all within around 15% so expect some good games with the odd away loss. Go with the flow and see ow you get on - the 3151 formation is beatable

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Kenny Jones View Post
    There is nothing wrong with this draw.
    Your opponent is only 15% above you.
    Easily beatable with proper training and tactics.

    Do you complain when facing an opponent of 113%?
    OK, how beatable is it? how many times did you beat an opponent 15% stronger, especially in a crunch game like a final? I will tell you how many, NONE. Bla bla bla. put your money where your mouth is pal. The point you are all missing is not so much the fun and acceptance of the pairings but the fact that they promise better pairings and still we are basically in the same place. In addition, I would complain yes, because I have often lowered my team's AVQ to see a more even match. This game instead has become a cut-throat type of game where everyone has to win 10-0. We complain because we are told one thing and then it does not happen.

  8. #8
    Newbie Alexder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    OK, how beatable is it? how many times did you beat an opponent 15% stronger, especially in a crunch game like a final? I will tell you how many, NONE.
    Here, Cup Final, some seasons ago, my best striker was even injured when I was losing 2-1. I completely won this Cup while being the underdog, I've beaten 3 others 140% teams to reach this Final.

    Its incredible just never ends-sans-titre-1.jpg

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Alexder View Post
    Here, Cup Final, some seasons ago, my best striker was even injured when I was losing 2-1. I completely won this Cup while being the underdog, I've beaten 3 others 140% teams to reach this Final.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Sans titre 1.jpg 
Views:	62 
Size:	95.6 KB 
ID:	140800
    Good for you, never ever happened to me, ever. Can't say what it is, I guess you guys are just so much better than I can ever be.

  10. #10
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    Good for you, never ever happened to me, ever. Can't say what it is, I guess you guys are just so much better than I can ever be.
    Some managers are better than others. It is normal.

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