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  • 1 Post By MARCO CAIA

Thread: Video Drills event has gone?

  1. #1
    Apprentice crisgr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Video Drills event has gone?

    Normally, on Day-5, Video Drills event used to appear.
    It seems that this is not a fact any more.
    It used to be introduced together with a task on Special Sponsor, to watch 25 videos.
    But no task has opened as well.
    Even when day-9, today, came, we saw no task and no video drills event.

    Have Nordeus stopped it? What may have happened?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    They don’t want to give anything away for nothing, the game is inconsistent but not as inconsistent as the game owners.
    crisgr likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by crisgr View Post
    Normally, on Day-5, Video Drills event used to appear.
    It seems that this is not a fact any more.
    It used to be introduced together with a task on Special Sponsor, to watch 25 videos.
    But no task has opened as well.
    Even when day-9, today, came, we saw no task and no video drills event.

    Have Nordeus stopped it? What may have happened?
    I agree with Woodentop, this is why I decided to quit after this season. They are disingenuous people who only live on greed, They give us crumbs thinking they are generous. They give you one thing for free and take away two. Look at their history. I can give you some examples. They changed the training mode and made it worse so that one must spend more tokens and resources to get lesser rewards in training. By using the teamplay method they lowered the amount of skills players used to be able to achieve. otherwise, we must buy a matchday coach. The matchday coach before could be had in the special sponsor when one reached it for the remainder of the season, now you get it only for one week. That's taking away a lot from us, taking away skill % in training, forcing us to purchase items we once did not need to train the team. They give us two free teamplay playbooks each day but they are low and random. when we purchase them we cannot choose what we want and need but we are still forced to get random ones that may or may not help us. Now they eliminated the Video Drill event why? Because we were getting something for nothing. They are allergic to the word FREE! They added instead the stupid Go Around event, as useless as the Draw Frenzy. Have to spend a lot of tokens to play it. They are dishonest and greedy. I had to complain and beg for over a week to get the 50 points special sponsor reward they offered in the Daily Streak because suddenly they had a technical problem that interrupted the event before the end? Come on, what if we did not complain they would have just moved on without making good. They are crooks, dishonest and greedy. I cannot stand it any longer. I am not playing this game anymore after this season ends. I will no longer participate in their thievery.

    crisgr likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    and on top of that no avaliable videos on daily log in, no for daily teamplay book purchase and no for x2 trainings
    crisgr likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by drazen vtc View Post
    and on top of that no avaliable videos on daily log in, no for daily teamplay book purchase and no for x2 trainings
    they need to be completely boycotted
    crisgr likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Let me know if they put the back

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
    Video Drills event has gone?-img_920x518%242015_10_01_22_01_00_1017133.jpg

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by MARCO CAIA View Post
    Let me know if they put the back
    I wrote several times at the useless customer support and they will not give me a straight yes or no answer. They keep beating around the bush. Basically we will have to wait and see but quite honestly I believe they suspended doing it but don't have the nerve to admit it. Perhaps fearing a real backlash if they flat out tell us. This way they keep people suspended waiting and not quitting the game. These people have become really incredibly greedy. They make all these improvements to make the game better they say. Better for who? Better for them. Free resources are becoming more and more scarce. When they have something good they just can't keep it. They come up with more and more schemes to benefit them. They keep throwing us crumbs while they actually perhaps believe they are being generous. Even worse it would be if they outright knew they give us crumbs which is what I believe of them. They know exactly what they are doing. All you have to do is use objective observation and thinking. What they do, they put out they call it special bundle of resources @ 20 $ highway robbery. And immediately they suspended the videos to get boosters. This is a deliberate plan to make people spend. If all of a sudden you need boosters of any type and can't get free ones and all of a sudden they throw that special bundle, one may be more inclined to buy it. Taken by desperation and tempted one will suddenly have an irrational thought diminishing the value of 20$ they may think that it's just for this time and buy it. That's exactly how they want us to think and react. These games aren't just simply fueled by greed but by psychological manipulation counting on the addictive nature of this game. They prey on people's weaknesses. This is how gambling works. They know how the old take away strategy works. All they need is just a few thousand people to buy it. They don't need for everyone to buy it. They know many people will not fall in their web of greed but sadly many do and I have to admit for a time I did too. But no more. The gig is up now.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Video drills are back. And not only back, there is a change - the delay is not 8 hours like before, but only 10 seconds. So you can watch ads and raise attributes all day...

    WTF?? I hope that it's only a bug and they will change it back. Because if it stays like this, it will be even bigger nonsense than draw frenzy

    EDIT: and it's fixed...
    Last edited by petrstary; 03-28-2024 at 09:52 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Yes, I took advantage of the glitch but as you say it has now been fixed.