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  • 1 Post By Baron Von Gorzien

Thread: New draw system is it working??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    New draw system is it working??

    Hi guys....

    I just read that strating this season (started on 24 Mar2024) the new draw system is effective...

    My draw looks pretty ok..

    How about you guys???

  2. #2
    Addicted po_zdrach's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    My opponents are +/- 10%

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I’ve had an awful draw. I’m at level 113 league with a 110% team and every other team in my league is at 130-140% so I have no opportunities. Will be a long and boring month

  4. #4
    Famous Ποσιδονας's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    I have a 155% team and playing in a League with half of the teams 3* abandoned.
    Struggling not to promote
    In the Cup, every season I have 5-6 strong teams, like mine 8*. The rest are 4*
    My opponents at Kings competition are 100-130% (second phase) every season so it's a walk on a park.
    This season I think they don't have the price of a 7*-9* player.
    Too bad

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Season 182, league level 97. In my league the situation is embarrassing: there are the top 8 unreachable teams with an average ranging from 140% to 130/125%. Then there are 8 other teams, including mine, ranging from 110 to 70 (a couple abandoned). I have an average of 90%, making the transfer market at the start of the season, last year I scored 0 goals. I'm not joking, I've attached the screenshot.

    New draw system is it working??-0-goals-entire-season.jpg

    0 points... meh, but 0 goals in the whole season is ridiculous, 1 goal not even by accident.

    At this point I'm pretty sure they wrote that the draw was balanced just to make users feel good, in reality nothing has changed, maybe it's even gotten worse.

    I went from won 40 leagues and 12 Champions, 8 Cups in the first 70/80 levels, to not winning anything for 2 years and now I struggle to win a couple of games a year. I studied the tactics, the auctions, the youth teams, everything was useless.

    New draw system is it working??-bacheca.jpg

    All verifiable, to show you that I don't make up lies on purpose.

    Now two defeats in the cup two legs (1-6, 5-1). In the league 3 games, 3 defeats, 12 goals conceded but at least I scored 1 goal this season (wow!).

    New draw system is it working??-1-goall.jpg

    The commitment to the game has always been great, now obviously I'm giving up.

    Does it make sense to commit to a game where maybe I score a few goals and win 1, 2 games in a whole month?

    Tell me what you think.
    Last edited by Baron Von Gorzien; 03-29-2024 at 08:48 AM.
    Temidayo_ likes this.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Gorzien View Post
    Season 182, league level 97. In my league the situation is embarrassing: there are the top 8 unreachable teams with an average ranging from 140% to 130/125%. Then there are 8 other teams, including mine, ranging from 110 to 70 (a couple abandoned). I have an average of 90%, making the transfer market at the start of the season, last year I scored 0 goals. I'm not joking, I've attached the screenshot.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	0 goals in an entire season.jpg 
Views:	81 
Size:	99.7 KB 
ID:	140833

    0 points... meh, but 0 goals in the whole season is ridiculous, 1 goal not even by accident.

    At this point I'm pretty sure they wrote that the draw was balanced just to make users feel good, in reality nothing has changed, maybe it's even gotten worse.

    I went from won 40 leagues and 12 Champions, 8 Cups in the first 70/80 levels, to not winning anything for 2 years and now I struggle to win a couple of games a year. I studied the tactics, the auctions, the youth teams, everything was useless.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	bacheca.jpg 
Views:	74 
Size:	41.3 KB 
ID:	140836

    All verifiable, to show you that I don't make up lies on purpose.

    Now two defeats in the cup two legs (1-6, 5-1). In the league 3 games, 3 defeats, 12 goals conceded but at least I scored 1 goal this season (wow!).

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1 goall.jpg 
Views:	74 
Size:	58.3 KB 
ID:	140835

    The commitment to the game has always been great, now obviously I'm giving up.

    Does it make sense to commit to a game where maybe I score a few goals and win 1, 2 games in a whole month?

    Tell me what you think.
    Stop your BS. You do not play a season conceding 178 goals and scoring 0 when you try to win.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Guido van den Berg View Post
    Stop your BS. You do not play a season conceding 178 goals and scoring 0 when you try to win.
    I don't understand why you have to respond to me in such a disrespectful way. But since I'm on the right side, I'll show you that I'm not lying.

    This is my current team:

    New draw system is it working??-rosa_3.jpg

    This is my current ranking:

    New draw system is it working??-ranking.jpg

    These are the workouts I did:

    New draw system is it working??-workout.jpg

    Do I have to make you screen shots of all the teams that are in the league?

    How do I beat teams that start at 120%? And others that are already at 140%?

    New draw system is it working??-how.jpg

    How? How do I compete with these teams? 5 matches, 40 goals. 6 matches, 48 ​​goals. How can it be a game that simulates reality?

    New draw system is it working??-how3.jpg

    "You do not play a season conceding 178 goals and scoring 0 when you try to win" cit.

    So tell me, how do I beat them?

    No, I never win and I always try to update tactics, buy players, follow when I can. And this is the situation.

    Why should I lie? To prove what? Is 90% at the start of the season low? What level of team do I need to have to win 1, 2 games in the whole season?How can I do? What else do you need to prove I'm not lying? Actually, I'm not talking BS. Explain it to me, you who have all the truths in your pocket.

    And in any case you didn't answer the question in the topic: Is new draw system it working?

    Answer: no.
    Last edited by Baron Von Gorzien; 03-31-2024 at 05:30 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    This season highest oppo in my league is +10% but lowest -40%. Most of the team is at range of +/- 5. But maybe im lucky this season. We would need to see how it would be in the following seasons...

    However there were seasons where i was the weakest team in the league with most of the teams +20 %. So i dont know...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Baron Von Gorzien View Post
    I don't understand why you have to respond to me in such a disrespectful way. But since I'm on the right side, I'll show you that I'm not lying.

    This is my current team:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Rosa_3.jpg 
Views:	66 
Size:	98.1 KB 
ID:	140842

    This is my current ranking:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Ranking.jpg 
Views:	65 
Size:	93.1 KB 
ID:	140840

    These are the workouts I did:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Workout.jpg 
Views:	62 
Size:	45.7 KB 
ID:	140841

    Do I have to make you screen shots of all the teams that are in the league?

    How do I beat teams that start at 120%? And others that are already at 140%?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	how.jpg 
Views:	62 
Size:	83.0 KB 
ID:	140843

    How? How do I compete with these teams? 5 matches, 40 goals. 6 matches, 48 ​​goals. How can it be a game that simulates reality?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	how3.jpg 
Views:	62 
Size:	93.0 KB 
ID:	140845

    "You do not play a season conceding 178 goals and scoring 0 when you try to win" cit.

    So tell me, how do I beat them?

    No, I never win and I always try to update tactics, buy players, follow when I can. And this is the situation.

    Why should I lie? To prove what? Is 90% at the start of the season low? What level of team do I need to have to win 1, 2 games in the whole season?How can I do? What else do you need to prove I'm not lying? Actually, I'm not talking BS. Explain it to me, you who have all the truths in your pocket.

    And in any case you didn't answer the question in the topic: Is new draw system it working?

    Answer: no.
    Because he is ignorant and disrespectful that's why. Some people including this one are so arrogant and prideful, that they think they know everything and just simply insult your intelligence while they are the real fools. Just ignore them and do not get into it with them, it's not worth it. They will never concede. I know that's very possible and it happens a lot and I think it will happen more and more. Look at the answer I posted to the other post about the game being rigged. That's the real deal. I feel bad for you, I really understand your disappointment and frustration. I have made peace with this game and all the morons in here who think they are the gods of Top Eleven. It is what it is. Do the best you can and hope that, not likely, the game will change to be better and more fair for all.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Just lst in the Cup yesterday... not change the opponent was more then 30% stronger.. when I look to the rest is the cup they are all between 110-120% and me with 8% no change to win