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Thread: please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2018


    this is for developers, please do 2 things for next season, first, can you make staged matches in ranked championship event be more realistic, kinda tired and sick of lead 2:0 than lose 3:8 or so, never turn result of match when i losing 2:0 at start, beter make me lose 3:0 or so, no matter i play 20% weaker or stronger than me same thing happen, and second thing, just want fair answer, can you make king of the kings event more equal? cant tell me you dont have enough players of closer levels, realy no point to participate in event if knowing that chance to win event are slim to nothing or non existing when facing oponents 20-30% stronger or even more in first round (i personaly played in first round oponents 60% weaker than me) and event before in final stage ended with 4 teams 40+% stronger, dont want to waste time on matches where you win or lose 10:0, maybe some players can find fun in those but i cant, so if you cant level oponents this is last king event i played
    Manager level : 40
    League trophies : 20
    Champion League : 4
    Cup trophies 10
    Super League 2
    Super Cup 1

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    so, i am out for any future king of the kings event, one of last glues that keep me in the game, so thank you, not waste time on event you see as money drain, if you are so eager to give players and tokens those who spend fishy earned tokens and not give us all same chance, you can just reward them and let rest of us play event with equal oponents, wishing all fun to players who see 2 or 3 40%+ stronger teams in their group