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Thread: I know i promised many times before but this time it's for real

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2022

    I know i promised many times before but this time it's for real

    Finally the time has come, I know I promised many times but this time I'm leaving this game for good. The outcomes are rigged for sure, now I have the evidence after monitoring the game for a long time. These outcomes are rigged. If I have my team only @ .3 that is point three% not 3% and if I have the entire top eleven on fire morale and playstyle boosted and still lose then what is the purpose of having these if you still lose? If you cannot overcome a point three deficit with the whole team in fire, rested, the team balance @ 10 and the playstyles boosted then the game is useless. Everything we do means absolutely nothing. So good bye and good luck!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2018
    bye, many ppl gone allready but new fish allways get catched

  3. #3
    Rookie Taffy1956's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    I only play now because I'm retired and nothing better to do! But the game has gone to pot the only good thing that has happen is the balance I am now beating teams that spend a load of cash but strategy and training are poor lol