The negotiation list is a load of crap. I signed one player off the list from my friend only to put them on my subs bench. It would be perfect if you could get 6 star players off the list, just no ability (or not always) for a minimum of 15 tokens.
Stupid thread. before you complaint you should read sticky forum, whether there is answer for topkers tv rights or not.
i'm newbie but i find your answer in this forum.. Finances - Top Eleven Official Wiki
Topkers TV Rights - Win Your Tokens: you receive 1Tokens for every League victory. You will also receive additional tokens at the end of the season, depending on your result.
so just wait until end season to get your extra token. stop whining with childish comment, do some search before complaint.
wow, I am the first one to point out that this is a Zombie thread? YAY ME! Way to raise a dead thread mate!
The wiki didnt exist when this thread was initiated. i know you can read letters, but you failed to read NUMBERS!
The fact that it is worded differently on the wiki than in the game is what you should be concerned about. The wiki was not made by someone at Nordeus, I beleive, so the person that made it used their own intelligence when wording it and did it correctly.
It is still odd that you have to wait a few seasons to get access to a deal that is clearly inferior. It is typical of Nordeus to get things bass-ackwards though. As you progress in levels, the deals should be better than the options you had at lower levels, but someone was correct in pointing out that the person that implemented these deals was under the influence of some serious brain-inhibiting materials.
But back to the main topic of this post: congrats on raising the!
It should include league + CL as well.
Then it'd be upto 26 from League, and upto another 26 from the other 2x competitions as well. Although of course you'd need to be winning the other competitions, which doesn't always happen. I assume that this was their original intention, but then maybe they stopped it as it would be potentially too good (as upto 46 tokens)
I am sorry but I am a newbie and still learning things and I am going to be level 3 next season and it is important to me - just to be clear - this sponsor gives you 1 token per League game, plus some tokens in the end of the season, but not more than 30 tokens total? Did I get it correct? How do they calculate how many tokens do you take in the end of the season?
Arsenal FC: Season 4, Level 4, Quality 30+
Level 1: 5th
Level 2: League: The Untouchables, Cup: 1/4s
Level 3: League: 2nd, Cup: 3rd, CL:
N is for Narrow - three central players next to each other, eg. MC-MC-MC or DC-DC-DC
W is for Wide - left, center and right, eg. ML-MC-MR or DL-DC-DR.
If you wonder about V-style, Butterfly and Diamond, etc. check here: How to Win Against Any Formation II
It is not clear where they get 30 tokens from since there is only 26 league games. They are clearly confused and should remove the offer completely until they get it re-organized. It is very misleading and just a bad deal at the end of the day.
i can see the lump sum deal being offered to higher levels since I would only want players with experience using it. It is a bad deal in the first place and should only be used in emergencies but hey, if people want it, why not offer it?
Okay, got it now.
Thanks for yout reply.
Arsenal FC: Season 4, Level 4, Quality 30+
Level 1: 5th
Level 2: League: The Untouchables, Cup: 1/4s
Level 3: League: 2nd, Cup: 3rd, CL:
N is for Narrow - three central players next to each other, eg. MC-MC-MC or DC-DC-DC
W is for Wide - left, center and right, eg. ML-MC-MR or DL-DC-DR.
If you wonder about V-style, Butterfly and Diamond, etc. check here: How to Win Against Any Formation II
Can anyone confirm that you get 26T for winning 26 games and with a maximum of 30T available with this plan that means you somehow get 4T.
Can someone tell me what the criteria is for the extra 4T?
I think that is what the Gooner above me was asking. (sorry Peter)