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Thread: Top Eleven is finished

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Stive08 View Post
    I'm a veteran of this game and have been playing it for a while. most of these guys commenting aren't even up to level 10 managing career. it's totally different when you reach my level and you'll relies why i'm complaining when you get to that stage.

    You lose to weaker teams way more often. Your whole team could be 6 star players and you lose to 4-5 star team. Transfer market is awful and doesn't work because you can't even sell your players because there isn't enough active teams and that leads to less buyers. All the better players get bought quickly and there isn't hardly any of them on the market.

    Why would anyone stick around playing top eleven when they can play proper football manager game.
    You are not veteran here i am 13 lvl and know few ppl who are 17 and +.
    In high lvls is hard yea but its becouse ppl who play game like this must be with iron nerves to play long.
    There too much thing wich must be changed but belive me there is more than enough people who play few seasons then quit.
    Nordeus still make good money from them and will not change game.
    If you read forum you will see that there is few old managers 99% is 1-5 lvl.Many things is new from them like lost from weak team,or problem with selling players.But still depends i am in server where i have not problem to buy and sell players but strange results is much.
    When people up 5-6-7 lvl they get bored to spend money for nothing.If they dont spend they almost cant up in bigger lvl.Its simple they cant enter in top 4,if they not play in CL they have not money for new players and most of them prefer to quit.
    Its normal i am angry to me that i not do that and still login here.
    For me this game is legal scam.Here we can not expect new things,we can not expect changes we just can loose our nerves.
    Its sad becouse the game is well created but need someone who can do smt for high lvls, and some new things.
    I am sure that scamers will change it when money decrease
    Crap is even greater than 20 lvl like i see from ppl who post here.25 lvl manager in 1 leage with 30 lvl.....
    They do not think about the big lvl becouse there is not much ppl who have iron nerves.If they quit loss will be a big.
    More important is the small lvl to be happy and spend a lot of money for a few months.
    Nordeus dont care about old managers they dont get good money from them.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    the point here is not losing The point is that top eleven put limits in your algorytm if you won a lot . i just stopped playing top 11 as wel in level 9 i was leading my league never can win the cup always out at the last 16 each and every year (stange huh) i won 6 doubles with a 66 qlty team in lvl 9 cant survive against max 55 teams come on and im also bored of the tranfers all the time got to be done a player careers on top level last only for 3 max 4 years i have players 24 yrs old 4 years in my team they dont touch ground anymore before they were the best coz nordeus want tokens .in reality player last for 10 years on top level . i managed a good 5 star player to a 7 star player
    with ratings 8 - 8 -9 after i managed him he only got 4 5 5 ratings let me spent more resp packs ... and so on this game got nothing to do with reality . this year in the CL my both strikers 7 and 6 stars havent scored 1 goal alone in front of the goal and always misses ?????????? not 1 goal come on ..... ridiculous
    I was hoping all the time to play vs teams from equal qlty but never like this .i qhad one season that was fun against a better al ansar i lost that season with only 1 point behind that was fun .
    good luck to you all and have a lot of fun anyone interested to take over my team charlie united level 9

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Bridlington, United Kingdom
    I will not quit this game no matter how many i lose. Yes, I'm having a crap season, i'm only 13th in the league with 2 wins, 7 draws and 6 defeats even though in my last 12 seasons i won the league 9 times, finished second once and Third Twice, but i'm still really enjoying this game, and it is only a game after all. All teams in real life have bad seasons no matter how good they are, what happens in this game will not affect what happens in real life. The game is realistic, which adds to the fun.
    Mo Meow Odom likes this.

  4. #24
    Apprentice Davy Gravy's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    You know things are bad when you hear David Moyes blaming the match engine.
    3 Teams - mid 40's, 40 & 40.
    1. CL position every team, every season
    2. Assn in Gold 1 or Platinum

  5. #25
    Newbie Raul J. Nunes's Avatar
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    Mar 2014
    I am very new here (only my 4º season) but i have a very good team for my level.I usually win,and sometimes when i play with "lower" teams than mine i feel some dificulty cause their tactics are well balanced or they are good to counter my own tactic so even with an higher possession i could have an bad result (draw or even loss).In real life there are many examples of big teams loosing to small ones...and the main reason is that "s..t happens".Maybe sometimes we are to confident of an win,so we dont care to see the other teams past results,tactics or squad and even in the live match and loosing we still remain too confident of a win cause it´s still time to get a loosing 0-1 to an 2-1...and we dont do nothing to change it.I´ve lost 2-1 away at champions league with a less rated team,just because his tactics consisted in a 4-2-3-1 and even seeing that i used may 4-2-2-2 confident that my better players would uprise and make the i said,i´ve lost 2-1.And i was loosing by 2,until i made a change that made me dream about the qualification:i risked buy changing one dc to an dmc (3-1-2-2-2),preventing his amc of going solo all the time and i scored one at second half.At the second leg,i used that same formation since the first minute and i won by 1-0.
    I dont know if this helps anyone about not giving up this game,but i just tried to show you that some things we can control and at least we can have funn knowing that both our mistakes and our good reactions can really afect the team.
    Mo Meow Odom likes this.
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  6. #26
    English Forum Moderator Cat Harrison's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    This thread is ancient guys. Let's stop resurrecting dead threads.
    Expressed above is my own opinion. Your results may vary.
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