When does the new season start is there much down time?
When does the new season start is there much down time?
Tomorrow at around 8:30 GMT+7 (All the maintenances are now completed), the league winner, league promotion, CL, Cup and all those pop-ups will come, as your players will lose a star if you're promoted.
So is there even a day without a match?
I think cup matches start right away and there's a 2 day break from league games. Not sure about the CL
So will it be 2:30am or 5:30am like this season?
F.C. United
League Won 11
League Runner up 4
Cup Won 3
Cup Finalist 3
Champions League Won 5
Champions League Finalist 9
Season 23 Level 23
United Til I Die
League Won 12
League Runner Up 4
Champions League Won 2
Champions League Finalist 7
Cups Won 1
Cup Finalist 2
Season 32 Level 27 (Retired)
I'm UK based...roll on 02.30AM...that's when ive been getting updates all this term & last...
Plus im looking forward to the first couple of days "rest"...
L1- L- 4th/C -Prelim's...
L2- L- 3rd/CL- Winner/C- SF's...
L3- L- 2nd/CL- QF's/C- QF's...
L4- L- 1st/CL- (Og)/C- Playoffs...
W.B.A......BOING BOING!!!...