Thank you ...
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I've been rather busy looking for potential AML/ML's to sign and I've been through all the teams in the CUP and clicked on every team that was L20 (so these players are 4*, so they may sell up) and there was 10 players I could offer for that suits my criteria for bidding, I'm ideally looking for a AML/ML 114Q or close to it that can take free kicks, 8 players were AML/ML, 1 player is ML only but takes free-kicks and 1 player is a young 19 ML that I could develop. I should be able to sign one of these players I'd expect since these are 4* players to their respective clubs.
The current cup format might not be good to play in and we don't favour it since the abolishment of the old format. BUT when your looking for players to sign, this is actually one positive about the current cup format.
If you find a very young fast trainer ML, just teach him the ability. At the pace you PT players, he'll be a free kick taker in no time.
Obviously, you're higher up so you'll have more experience than me but it's soooo hard to find a free kick taker AML/ML but soooo common to find just ML free kick taker.
PMSL at Nicky Butt AMC/AMR :D
Yesterday I bought a 29Q 24 year Striker who just turned to 30Q scout today...
he scored one goal in 4 matches (2 cup and 2 friendly ...scored in friendly)
... I want to sell him ...If I sell will he be in scout list or general auction ? ...
do you think I can sell him or wait for some more matches ....advice please ....